4 Recent Studies That Show the Power of CBD – Healthytrendsdigest.com

CBD has become a buzzword for natural health enthusiasts and for people who want to try more natural remedies for common ailments. However, as with anything that experiences massive growth in popularity, there are many misconceptions about what CBD is and what it can actually do. In this brief article, we’ll touch on some of the latest research that showcases the potential of CBD.

CBD is a naturally occurring compound in cannabis plants, so it’s been around for millennia. However, it was only recently allowed in the U.S., so there’s a lot of research that needs to be done to determine all of the possible uses of the compound. Consumers who want to use CBD should be aware of the science and studies that support a particular health use.

One of the most noted benefits of CBD is the ability to reduce feelings of anxiety and stress. A wide range of studies supports this use of CBD. For example, in a 2019 case study of 103 adults, CBD showed a benefit in calming patients and lowering instances of self-reported anxiety. According to the study authors, the anxiety scores of 79 percent of study participants decreased in the first month of observation. This wasn’t just a one-time decreased. Their anxiety scores remained reduced during the study’s three-month duration. In this study, participants took 25 milligrams to 175 milligrams a day.

CBD may also be helpful with specific stress and anxiety triggers. Many people have a fear of public speaking, and some studies suggest that CBD can be useful in taming that anxiety.

In a 2018 study, male subjects received CBD before undergoing a simulated public speaking test. When the participants were given an oral dose of 300 mg 90 minutes before the test, the researchers noted a significant reduction in the speakers’ anxiety. The study results also show the importance of proper dosage. Members of the placebo group (i.e., no CBD was given to them) and study subjects who received 150 mg saw little benefit. Even going too high showed diminishing returns, subjects who received 600 mg also saw reduced benefits.

CBD can also be used to help patients with insomnia. A 2018 study published in the journal Medicines found that a combination of CBD and THC significantly improved the symptoms of 490 people with insomnia. At the start of the study, participants rated their insomnia symptoms on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most severe. On average, participants rated their symptoms at a 6.6 on average at the start. After using the combination of cannabinoids, participants rated symptoms on average to be 2.2, marking a 4.5 decrease on the scale. The research strongly suggests that using CBD, even without THC, could help alleviate the symptoms of insomnia.

Many people think of CBD as something for the young folk, but that’s not true. CBD can be useful for adults of all ages. In a 2018 edition of Remedy Review, the authors listed several statistics from studies about the effect of CBD for seniors. For example, 64% of seniors rated their quality of life as “good” after using CBD, up from 31.1% prior to using CBD. Three out of five (61.1%) of seniors who tried CBD reported reduced pain. Nearly half (45.6%) of seniors who used CBD said it improved their sleep quality. Overall, 28.9% of CBD users over age 54 claimed it was “extremely effective” at treating various symptoms.

As more studies get published, we’ll have a better understanding of all the ways that CBD can help people live longer, happier, and healthier lives. You can start taking advantage of the known benefits of CBD by getting CBD-infused products from Healthytrendsdigest.com.

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