5 Curious CBD Co-Stars – CBDfx.com

Many people praise CBD for the therapeutic benefits it’s capable of producing, but most don’t think about the co-stars — the ingredients that complement and even bolster the effects of your CBD product. 

Many of these CBD co-stars have a long and interesting history, which dates back hundreds or even thousands of years. In ancient times, of course, nature was pretty much the only source of healing and wellness. But just because some of these were ancient remedies, it doesn’t mean they aren’t effective — even today, in the modern age of medicine.

If you find these ingredients intriguing, keep in mind you can find them in some of our best-selling products. Here are some of our most interesting, yet curious CBD co-stars. 

1. White Willow Bark 

Before over-the-counter medications, we had to scour the forest for flowers, herbs, and bark from certain trees. Additionally, some of the most effective medicines you use today have natural herbs incorporated into the formula. 

White willow bark goes back 3,500 years to the ancient Sumerians and Egyptians, who utilized this bark for its medicinal properties, especially in regard to pain management. 

Willow bark can come from a variety of willow trees — white willows, purple willows, crack willows, black willows, and a few more willow trees from the Salix species. This bark contains a compound called salicin, which is the active ingredient in aspirin. 

The salicin metabolizes, creating salicylic acid, which acts like aspirin, reducing pain and fever. Though there is little conclusive scientific research to back the use of white willow bark in this way, centuries of anecdotal evidence suggest otherwise. 

If you want to experience white willow bark for yourself, try our Muscle & Joint Cream — with up to 3,000mg of broad spectrum CBD, alongside the incredible properties of white willow bark, menthol, and caffeine.  

2. Turmeric 

turmericMost people associate turmeric with the curry found in various Indian dishes, but it’s capable of much more. 

Curry powder contains many different spices, with turmeric being one of the main ones. Turmeric has a long-standing history in India, and has been an integral part of Ayurvedic medicine — the ancient, natural medicinal system in India based on ancient texts. 

Turmeric dates back to 500 BCE, with supporting records found in the Ayurvedic texts. It had many uses. Its fumes remedied congestion, while turmeric juices and pastes were used to alleviate an array of skin conditions. 

The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, which enables robust anti-inflammatory effects, as many have come to know and appreciate. You’re probably hoping you can have a few bowls of curry and get some of these benefits, but unfortunately, it’s not that simple. 

Turmeric and curry in their culinary state don’t absorb into the bloodstream enough to produce the effects we’ve mentioned. You’ll have to take turmeric in supplement form, but no worries there, because such products aren’t hard to find!

One of our favorite turmeric-infused products is the CBD + CBG 2:1 Wellness Tincture. This tincture combines the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric, coenzyme Q10, and minor cannabinoid, CBG. 

3. Spirulina 

spirulinaSpirulina contains staggering amounts of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals. Spirulina is one of those superfoods that dates back to ancient times, as well — around 1300 CE, to be exact, when the Aztecs used to harvest it out of Lake Texcoco. 

Are you wondering what makes this a superfood? Well, for starters, spirulina is abundant in healthy proteins like linolenic acid (GLA) and linoleic acid (LA). Plus, it contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, and B9, just to name a few (yes, there’s more). 

Oh, and let’s not forget the immense antioxidant power spirulina is known for. It contains zeaxanthin, phycocyanins, beta carotene, and other carotenoids to provide health-boosting effects. 

So, how can you take advantage of this algae-based superfood? Sure, you could sprinkle some of the powder in your smoothie or juice, but you need iron clad taste buds to make it a recurring habit. 

A beneficial alternative is to find spirulina in supplement form, as well. Capsules and gummies are by far the most popular, since they hide the taste and provide a straightforward method of consumption that won’t leave you holding your breath during every sip.  

Are you ready for the good news? You can add the wellness effects of turmeric to your daily routine with our CBD Gummies with Turmeric & Spirulina! There’s never been an easier way to get your daily serving of superfoods! 

4. Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme QDo your energy levels fizzle out by 2 p.m.? If so, you could use some coenzyme Q10 in your life! This is a compound your body naturally produces to provide you with cell growth, energy, and other facets of maintenance; but as you age, this production slows (bummer, right?). 

Some of the telltale signs of decreased coenzyme Q10 are muscle weakness and fatigue, but these indications are often hard to differentiate from other symptoms. 

Since this production slows, we have to outsource, taking in coenzyme Q10 from fish, nuts, and other supplements. It contains antioxidant power that protects your body from free radicals, as well. 

There are many ways to increase your coenzyme Q10 intake, but tinctures, capsules, and gummies are the most popular these days — in addition to adjusting your diet appropriately. 

5. Valerian Root

Valerian RootIf you encountered valerian walking through a field, you’d have no idea how tranquil this flower is — it’d just look like, well, any other flower. But this isn’t any regular flower. The valerian flower is a perennial flower with some pretty intense sedative effects. 

It dates back to ancient Greece and Rome, when Hippocrates and Galen kept valerian around for its sedative, diuretic, and digestive properties. 

In World War I and World War II, valerian was prescribed to soldiers suffering from shock or other nervous disorders, helping them calm down and regain a sense of composure. 

In past times, Canadians used valerian for its antiseptic properties, soothing an array of skin issues and concerns. 

What’s the secret behind its effects? Valerian works by increasing GABA levels in the brain, which helps you wind down and relax. 

Are you looking to adjust your sleep schedule? Try adding our CBD + CBN Night Capsules to your bedtime routine. These sleep-enhancing capsules have everything you need to achieve a restful sleep — including valerian root! 

Final Thoughts on These Curious Co-Stars

Nature has some pretty insane healing powers. Flowers, herbs, barks, and natural elements of nature make it easy to see how this phenomenon occurred in the first place. As a result, every culture created their own medicines and remedies from natural botanicals and herbs. 

When you think about it, CBD is another natural element we’ve utilized since ancient times, so it only makes sense to combine it with some of these other long-praised natural elements provided by mother nature. 

Want to feel the effects of valerian root for yourself? 

Try our CBD + CBN Sleep Capsules for Sleep when you hit the sheets tonight!

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