6 CBD Hacks You Need to Know About

If you love a good shortcut that makes life easier, we’ve got six CBD hacks you need to know about. 

Discovering any useful hack makes you feel like you’ve uncovered one of the earth’s greatest secrets. After all, who doesn’t love a shortcut that makes life more manageable? 

Let’s get into these six CBD hacks you’ve been missing out on. 

1. Post-Workout Recovery

Summer is creeping up on us, so everyone is hitting the gym and improving their workout routine. 

The most challenging part of this is getting the ball rolling again since gyms were closed most of last year. If you were inactive for a while, it’s completely normal to feel a little sore when you start working out again. 

Did you know CBD Topicals provide targeted relief to sore muscles? Instead of limping around after your workouts, you can apply your favorite CBD topical and feel results in as little as 30 minutes (time varies per individual). 

There are plenty of CBD topicals designed for active lifestyles, so adding any of them to your workout routine is a hack you want to implement sooner rather than later. 

2. Counter the Effects of THC

Have you ever consumed too much THC and just had to “ride it out,” as they say? Next time this happens, try taking some CBD. 

As you may know by now, CBD is non-psychoactive and provides a wide range of therapeutic benefits. Alternatively, THC has psychoactive effects, paired with what some would call therapeutic benefits as well. 

How THC and CBD affect you has a lot to do with your body chemistry and genetics. 

However, CBD does counteract the psychoactive effects of THC. So, the next time you take one too many brownie bites, just follow it up with one of the faster-acting CBD products (CBD vapes or tinctures).

3. Bye-Bye Uncomfortable Shoes 

cbd creamEveryone, men and women alike, experiences a painful pair of shoes occasionally, but rubbing some CBD cream or lotion on your feet beforehand may help. 

Some of the biggest names in Hollywood utilize this hack—Melissa McCarthy, Jennifer Aniston, Busy Phillips, and many others. 

It’s also helpful if you work long hours on your feet. This goes back to the targeted relief we mentioned earlier. With CBD topicals, the cannabinoids absorb into the skin, traveling through multiple layers of skin, before reaching the specific area of need. 

Many people love and prefer CBD topicals because the CBD content never enters the bloodstream, proving beneficial to those who have to take drug tests occasionally since the trace amounts of THC might trigger a false positive on a drug test.

This is a game-changer for the ladies. How many times have you bought a pair of shoes and retired them soon after because they hurt way too bad? 

Now you don’t have to worry about that!f

4. Enhance Your Skincare Routine

CBD has made its way into several industries with great success, and skincare is no exception. 

The cannabinoids in the hemp plant are well-known for their therapeutic properties. When combined in skin care formulations, it helps soothe angry skin, reduces sebum production, and enhances overall skin health. 

The CBD skincare industry is expected to reach 1.7 billion by 2025, which tells us that it’s working for more than a few people. There are plenty of products to choose from. You can find almost any type of skincare product infused with the skin-pleasing properties of CBD. 

5. Boost Focus & Concentration

cbdfx gummiesThis is one of our favorite hacks because many people are completely unaware they can use CBD to boost focus and concentration. 

Most people relate CBD to tranquil, relaxing effects that prep the mind and body for bedtime, but it’s capable of much more—thanks to the endocannabinoid system, which regulates some of your body’s most essential functions. 

If you want to use CBD to increase focus and concentration, try taking smaller serving amounts or find CBD products created with focus-enhancing ingredients. These are ingredients like L-Theanine and Taurine, which are natural sources of caffeine that give you a boost of energy without feeling jittery. 

Our CBD gummies are a great starting point since they only contain 5mg of broad spectrum hemp per gummy. This is the perfect amount to acquire the intended effect. 

Alternatively, you could try a CBD Focus Shot blended with 75g of all-natural caffeine and other supportive  ingredients to keep you laser-focused during any busy task-filled day. 

6. Add it to Your Humidifier 

Who needs Vicks Vapor Rub in the humidifier when you can fill it with CBD? Just think of it as a large vaporizer that fills your home with the calming effects of CBD. 

Vaping CBD has become one of the most popular ways to take advantage of cannabinoids these days since it provides the highest bioavailability level. This is possible because the CBD content enters the bloodstream directly through the lungs upon inhalation. 

If you’ve always wanted to try a CBD Vape Pen but didn’t follow through for some reason, this is a great way to test the waters (and the effects). 

Come on, how nice would it be to have the humidifier going while you kick back on the couch and just….chill? 

Parting Thoughts 

These are a few hacks we’ve stumbled upon over the years, but we’re certain there are many more. 

CBD has a long list of benefits, and it’s a list that keeps giving even when you think you’ve exhausted it. One of the most rewarding things about incorporating CBD wellness into your life is the experimentation process. 

Since we’re all unique in our body chemistries and genetic make-ups, CBD affects us differently. This means what works for you might not work for your friend and vice versa. 

Try different products and see what works best for you. Who knows, maybe you’ll come up with a whole new set of CBD hacks to share with us!

Ready to put one of these hacks to the test? 

Visit our site and check out our collection of CBD Topicals!

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