6 Simple Strength Exercises To Reduce Saddlebag Fat in 30 Days

Struggling with stubborn fat around your thighs? You’re not alone. While many of us dream of sculpted, lean legs, those persistent “saddlebags” can feel impossible to budge. Luke Carlson, Exercise Physiologist, CEO, and Founder of Discover Strength, has been training clients since 1999 – from 55-year-old executives to professional athletes and 85-year-olds – and he’s here to share what actually works, backed by science. Follow this 30-day plan, and he’ll show you how to transform your lower body the right way.

The Truth About Saddlebags (And Why Most People Get It Wrong)

Woman butt. Diet and weight loss concept.

First, let’s bust some myths. Saddlebags are simply fat deposits. While men tend to store fat on their abdomen (linked to cardiovascular disease), women typically store it on their hips and legs. Storing fat on the hips and legs is not closely correlated with metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease.

“I will be honest here: there’s no such thing as spot reduction,” says Carlson. “Doing exercises specifically targeting your thigh area won’t magically melt away the fat there. But don’t stop reading because the research is very clear that if you perform strength training exercises for the upper body and legs, you increase your resting metabolic rate. This is defined as the number of calories you burn when NOT working out. When you add muscle to your upper body and to your legs, you burn more calories around the clock, and thus, you store fewer calories as fat (and for women, this means fat around the hips).”

“Additionally, when you do a strength training workout, you increase your resting metabolic rate by about 5-9% for the next 3 days. Again, you burn more calories and you store less fat. This is the strength training focus for losing saddlebags,” Carlson explains.

Band Abduction Walk

resistance band walksresistance band walks

“While strengthening muscles won’t directly target fat loss in that area, building strong outer thighs is still crucial for overall fitness. The most effective bodyweight exercise for this area is the Band Abduction Walk,” Carlson says.

Here’s how to do it:

  1.  Place a resistance band around your ankles
  2. Bend your knees slightly
  3. Take lateral (sideways) steps, 8-12 inches each
  4. Maintain shoulder-width distance between feet when bringing them together
  5. “Walk” sideways for 10-20 yards, then return in the opposite direction.

Form tip: Keep your knees bent and hips low throughout the movement. Start with one set down and back.

The 10 Best Weight-Loss Exercises, According to a Trainer

Machine Abduction (The Best Option)

Hip abduction woman exercise at gym indoor opening legs workout.Hip abduction woman exercise at gym indoor opening legs workout.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Drive your legs out (abduct) for 2 seconds
  2. Pause when your legs are all the way out for a full second
  3. Return slowly to the starting position over 4 seconds
  4. Key focus: Move slowly and eliminate momentum

Form tips:

  • Don’t use fast movements
  • Avoid pushing down with your feet

Sets and reps: “Aim for 8-12 reps to momentary muscle failure – the point where you can’t do another perfect rep,” says Carlson. “Interestingly, whether you do 7 reps or 17 reps, you’ll get the exact same benefit. Perform only 1 set, as multiple sets don’t produce better results.”

The Four Power Moves That Also Melt Fat

woman doing dumbbell chest press exercisewoman doing dumbbell chest press exercise

To maximize fat loss and boost your metabolism, incorporate these key exercises:

  1. Chest Press
  2. Pulldown
  3. Shoulder Press
  4. Leg Press.

These compound movements stimulate the greatest increases in resting metabolic rate, helping reduce overall fat storage. While the transcript doesn’t provide specific form details for these exercises, they should be performed with proper form and progression under guidance.

Your 30-Day Transformation Plan


The key to success? Less is more. Structure your month with just two strength training workouts per week, allowing two days of recovery between sessions. This might seem counterintuitive, but it’s scientifically proven to maximize benefits.

This approach works because it:

  • Allows proper recovery time
  • Prevents overtraining
  • Maximizes metabolic benefits
  • Keeps you consistent and motivated.

4 Low-Impact Morning Exercises for Weight Loss

The Missing Piece: What You Need to Know About Diet


“Exercise is simply not a good way to lose fat,” Carlson tells his clients. “Eating healthy is the only way to lose fat and reduce saddlebags.” Creating a calorie deficit through mindful eating is essential for seeing real changes in your body composition.

To maintain your results after the 30 days, continue following this balanced approach of strategic strength training and proper nutrition. Remember, sustainable results come from sustainable habits. And if you enjoyed this article, don’t miss How Long Your Walking Workout Should Be To Shrink Belly Fat.

About the Expert: Luke Carlson has been a professional trainer since 1999, working with clients ranging from professional athletes to octogenarians. His evidence-based approach combines the latest research with practical experience to deliver real results.

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