7 Ways to Relax After a Long Week

You know the feeling. It’s 7:30 on a Friday night, and you’ve just plopped down on the couch after a LONG week. 

You’re beyond exhausted, and all you want to do is relax, but there’s a problem—you’re fresh out of ideas. Self-care and relaxation go hand in hand, but sometimes we get tired of the same old routine. 

Don’t fret my friend; we’ve got you covered with seven ways to kick back and ditch all that extra stress from the week. 

Let’s explore some ways you can relax this weekend. 

1. Take a Nature Stroll

Stepping out into nature is a great way to break up the stuffiness from the workweek. Besides, there are tons of benefits associated with getting some much-needed fresh air. 

Think about it. You’re out there, soaking up health-boosting sun rays, taking oxygen—a combination known to reduce stress and improve immunity. 

At some point in your nature walk, take your shoes off and place your bare feet on those crisp, cool blades of grass. This is known as grounding, which involves the earth sending electromagnetic charges to your body through the earth. 

Sounds pretty cool, huh? 

No matter what you choose to do on your nature walk, you’ll see simply being outdoors and getting some fresh air hits the reset button quite nicely. 

2. Go Ahead, Binge-Watch Your Favorite Show 

cbdfx us blog  Ways to Relax After a Long Week binge watchSome weekends you’re ready for adventure, but other times, you want to curl up with a soft blanket and binge-watch your favorite Netflix show. 

If you have a high-stress job or lifestyle that demands you be on the go 24/7, it feels good just to sit and do, well, nothing. 

Don’t let anyone tell you chilling out and watching your favorite show isn’t self-care, or relaxing for that matter, especially if it helps you relax and recharge. 

3. Turn Off All Your Notifications

cbdfx us blog  Ways to Relax After a Long Week do not disturbAll week long, we’re keenly aware of our notifications, whether it’s the phone, computer, apple watch, or any of the other trillion electronic devices we have these days. 

Turn the notification off and free yourself for a little while!

There are plenty of reasons to do an electronic detox. For starters, it allows you to relax because you’re not always “on alert,” waiting, looking, and responding to notifications. 

Give yourself the freedom to simply be for a moment without all the outside distractions of social media, emails, text messages, and so on. 

4. Take Up Journaling 

There’s something therapeutic about sitting down and pouring all of your thoughts and emotions onto a physical piece of paper (opposed to an electronic device). 

Journaling helps you stay in control of your intentions, fears, concerns, and anything else you want to vent about. Many have found great success in combining the journaling process with affirmations. 

Great things happen when you write and speak positivity into your life. Don’t overthink the process; make it your own, and write when it feels right to you. 

After your journal sessions, you’ll feel like certain things have been lifted from you, lifting any unnecessary stress from your shoulders. 

5. Anyone Up for a Road Trip? 

cbdfx us blog  Ways to Relax After a Long Week road tripLet’s face it; we’ve been in the house for way too long. Now that COVID concerns are starting to loosen up a bit, why not hit the open road

You know, feel the wind in your hair as you cruise the open highway? 

Not only will a road trip break up the monotony, but it can be highly therapeutic if you choose the right scenery. 

Choose a destination that allows you to immerse yourself in nature—a trip up the coast or through a dense forest, taking in the crisp air.

6. Take a Warm Bath 

There’s nothing a warm bath can’t fix, or at least it seems that way. Scientifically, they say taking a warm bath stimulates blood flow, reduces tension in the body, improves oxygen intake, and most importantly, reduces stress and anxiety. 

Don’t forget you can enhance relaxation by adding personal touches to the experience. A CBD Bath Bomb creates a one-of-a-kind bath experience, especially if you turn on some of your favorite tunes and light the cupcake scented candle you’ve been holding out on.  

With 200mg of pure CBD isolate, our bath bombs work their way through multiple layers of skin before reaching your tight, overworked muscles. 

Bath bombs are a simple yet effective way to pamper yourself and relax at the same time. They typically contain helpful blends of essential oils and herbs like lavender or peppermint to enhance the vibe you’re going for—lavender being the best for relaxation. 

7. Stretching and Deep Breathing

cbdfx us blog  Ways to Relax After a Long stretching breathingBelieve it or not, there are a few signs you’ll experience when you need to stretch more. The three most common signs are poor posture, headaches, and low energy levels. When combined, all three of these issues work to heighten your stress levels. 

Yoga is an excellent way to get a full-body stretch and release pent-up tension at the same time. If you want to up the ante, then try pairing yoga stretches with meditation techniques.  

Meditation is an ancient tradition that provides a long list of benefits such as decreased stress and anxiety, enhanced self-awareness, promotes emotional health, and much more. You can explore several types of meditation, with mindful meditation being one of the more popular options for beginners. 

However, there are other types of deep breathing-focused meditations that have significant benefits as well. Believe it or not, deep breathing is capable of much more than you might think, decreasing stress and anxiety, increasing energy, reducing discomfort in the body, and much more.

Don’t beat yourself up if you’re a little stiff in the beginning. With gyms being closed for the last year, most of us have low activity levels and need to work our way back into these types of wellness activities. 

If you experience tight, sore muscles, grab some of our Muscle and Joint Cream for what seems like instant relief, thanks to a robust blend of powerful cannabinoids and natural anti-inflammatories. 

Adding light stretches and deep breathing to your routine can help you relax after what seems like a never-ending week. 

Still thinking about a CBD Bath Bomb? 

Grab a couple for yourself to relax and turn up the relaxation this weekend!

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