Why You Have To Find Your Purpose Now

Your purpose. It’s time to detach from the idea that it’s too much of a floaty concept and that it will magically show up, because, every moment waited is a moment wasted, and each wasted moment degrades your clarity of purpose. It is why you must find your purpose in life. Not in a few weeks, months or even years. Start this process now. 

The worst thing that can happen here is that you will learn, so – if I were you – I wouldn’t be too worried about it. In fact, don’t worry at all.

When you look at people who have lived significant lives, who created their success, they never waited. They didn’t wait for money, not for ease, not in their relationship, not for security. What these people have in common is that they feel what they want to give most as a gift to the world and what they can do to do it today. 

As the world will always present you with (unforeseen) challenges, you can either live fully, giving the gift right in the midst of those challenges, or you can wait for an imaginary future, which will never come if you don’t make a core shift in your awareness and devotion.

The experience we call life is a mission to your truest, most authentic self for then to give the gifts to the world around you. Finding your life purpose is the first step to live your most conscious and rich life. Your mission should be your priority and until you don’t discover this deep purpose and live it fully, you will feel as if there is something missing, a gap that cannot be filled, because there is no utmost satisfaction and groundedness with that you seek to fulfill. 

As Seneca would say: “When a man does not know what harbor he is making for, no wind is the right wind.”

When you open yourself up to living at your edge, that is a place outside the comfort zone, your deepest purpose will slowly come forward, because it’s where creative thinking, true genesis, comes in. Transformation from the core happens with prior discomfort and with uncovering your truest and deepest purpose, you must step out of the illusion of a safe zone. But you must remember that it is not only courage and effort that will challenge you enough to get out of that comfort zone. You do this with a purposeful and direction focused mindset.

Each layer around the deepest core being pulled back is being closer to the fullness of your deepest desire and purpose. Moreover, by analyzing your purpose and realigning your direction, you are then able to solve many of your emotional and relational problems.

What you do is this. You fully lean into it, you give it your all, without holding anything back, lifting up the veils. 

“Knowing your life purpose is the first step toward living a truly conscious life. A life purpose provides us with a clear goal, a set finish line that you truly want to reach.” – Simon Foster

Then, you will find your focus comes along with it. It will be easier to focus on what matters to pursue your purpose and everything else you may encounter. You will understand it’s the intrinsic devotion to revert around waves as you – the sailor – put the purposeful effort into everything you think, do and simply are. Commitment flows to you and you’re right at the edge of your chair, passionate about creating the fulfillment of your purpose. Your integrity and authenticity grows and you’re allowing yourself to live a high value-based life. Each layer that you are uncovering, is in alignment with your actions and thoughts to do so. 

As a result, your environment admires your commitment and what you can offer in your service to others; you’re doing what you really want to do and you deliver your contribution to the world. You have fallen in love with what you do and learn and you keep on generating that meaningful love in those you encounter. With everything you are doing on a day to day basis, learning about, giving to people, offering in situations, events and circumstances, it’s been dipped in the sacred chalice that is your purpose. This is what gives you the sense of fulfillment; you get to live a purposeful, whole life.

And then, the next cycle of uncovering the layers starts.

Let’s not forget we’re human beings. In life, we experience all human emotions, disappointment, anger, judgment, frustration, disconnection, dealignment, and you would be of torture to yourself if you were to let yourself think these emotions are never in your benefit. Instead, try to think of it this way, because there is a reason for them. If you complete a lesser purpose (one of your layers) with 100% success along the way, it won’t feel as fulfilling as you think it is going to be. 

Adversity in your emotions – that is the full spectrum – is the preparation for advancing toward a greater embodiment of your deeper purpose. Therefore, keep yourself disciplined as you stay on track of your purpose. Each purpose and each mission you have found in life, are meant to be fully lived. As you reach the end of a layer, you will experience emptiness, boredom and it doesn’t feel like you should continue with it. This is the sign you’ve fully uncovered that layer and it’s then time to let go of it, for you to start uncovering the next. 

Don’t mistake this for a sign of failure or that you’ve chosen the ‘wrong’ direction. This is growth. You take lessons from emotions that put you off-guard, you discover these deeper layers about yourself and you will understand that adversity ultimately pays off.

Find and connect to the intention of finding your truest desire. It’s what unfolds your deepest purpose, it’s your conscious way of living to fulfill that purpose that prevents you from getting lost and off-track. Become aware of the fact that everything in your life, from diet to a professional career, must be aligned with that deeper purpose, the core meaning as to why you do or learn something, and then for you to make it known in the world and be of guidance to those you encounter.

To Wrap It Up.

The importance of starting now and to then never stop, is what makes you so powerful in creating success and to continue in the face of adversity, because then, you are well capable of knowing what to do with your life and entering the unknowingness, waiting for a vision or a new form of purpose to emerge. It’s when you come to understand what makes you come alive, what it is that you want to breathe life into. 

When you are pursuing your minor purposes and deepest purpose, you are in your element. It is when talent and skill meet passion, substance and meaning. Consequently, it adds more value and you create joy towards your personal and professional fulfillment.

Keep yourself disciplined and on the track of purpose with every task you do, but don’t forget the grand and deepest purpose while you pursue the smaller tasks of your daily life, as you will reduce yourself to a machine of little significance.

You are worth so much more than that. In fact, you’re limitless.

Unhook that potential by starting today.

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