Top 10 Ways To Lose Weight Naturally- HealthifyMe

The journey towards shedding excess pounds isn’t just about quick fixes and miracle diets. It’s a holistic transformation that encompasses physical, mental, and emotional well-being. For those who seek an alternative to fad diets and extreme measures, the path to weight loss lies in uncovering the holistic lifestyle approaches and dietary choices that can lead to lasting and sustainable results. 

From embracing whole, unprocessed foods to understanding the importance of mindful eating and from harnessing the power of regular physical activity to stress management, there are various sustainable and accessible methods for weight loss. Discover the time-tested tips and science-backed strategies that can help one lose weight naturally. 

10 Easy and Sustainable Ways to Lose Weight Naturally

Here are the top 10 ways to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Intermittent Fasting

Contrary to common notions of fasting, it allows for the consumption of water while restricting food intake during specific hours of the day. The fundamental principle behind intermittent fasting is to create a calorie deficit by fasting for a longer duration than one’s eating window.

Several approaches to intermittent fasting exist, including:

Alternate Day Fasting

This type involves alternating between fasting and regular eating days. During fasting days, individuals typically consume only around 500-600 calories in a single meal. On non-fasting days, a regular diet of 1500 to 1800 calories, aligned with their lifestyle and activity level, is followed. Emphasising whole foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, and quality protein is essential.

5:2 Diet

This regimen calls for five days of regular eating and two days of extreme calorie restriction, where individuals consume only 25-30% of their daily caloric needs. Precision in caloric calculations is advisable, often necessitating guidance from a qualified nutritionist. The emphasis remains on whole, nutrient-rich foods, encompassing fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, and quality protein sources such as meat, pulses, and legumes.

The 16/8 Method

This method dictates fasting for 16 hours and allowing an 8-hour eating window, primarily during daylight hours. The nutritional focus is on whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, and quality protein sources such as meat, pulses, and legumes.

These intermittent fasting techniques offer distinct dietary approaches, each tailored to individual preferences and goals while promoting a healthier and more mindful eating pattern.

Promoting an Active Lifestyle

While maintaining a balanced diet, it can sometimes be challenging for individuals to reduce portion sizes or exercise portion control. However, it’s essential to recognise that physical activity complements these dietary changes rather than serving as a sole alternative. Contrary to the misconception that weight loss requires strenuous workouts with heavy weights at the gym, a more accessible approach involves burning excess calories through simple exercises.

Walking: Start your exercise routine with a 10-15 minute walk, gradually transitioning to brisk walking and extending the duration. Notably, this isn’t the casual walking done during daily chores but rather a dedicated time slot for focused walking. Research supports the efficacy of walking for 15 minutes after meals in aiding weight loss.

Jogging: Once comfortable with walking, consider advancing to jogging.

Running: For those seeking enhanced fitness, running can yield a leaner physique and increased strength and stamina.

Yoga: Commence with basic yoga asanas and progress to more advanced poses. Yoga not only supports physical well-being but also assists with digestive and pulmonary issues.

Home Exercises: If you prefer the comfort of your home, consult a professional to guide you through carefully designed exercise routines. Examples include stretching, squats, sit-ups, jumping jacks, and skipping.

Mindful Eating

Practising mindful eating can be instrumental in preventing excessive weight gain and facilitating weight loss. This approach involves the following steps:

  • Tracking Calories: Maintain a food diary, whether in digital or hard copy format.
  • Select a Serene Dining Environment: Avoid screens during meals, as indulging in movies or TV shows distracts from mindful eating. Share your meals with family or friends to savour the experience without distractions.
  • Eat Slowly: Take the time to savour your food and chew it thoroughly to maximise nutrient absorption. Eating too quickly often leads to overconsumption.

Starting the Day with Protein

Starting your day with a protein-rich source can enhance satiety and strength. This practice aids in reducing daily calorie intake by regulating hunger hormones. Key players in this process include a decrease in the hunger hormone ghrelin and an increase in the satiety hormones cholecystokinin, GLP-1, and peptide YY. High-protein breakfast options include eggs, quinoa porridge, nuts, oats, seed puddings (e.g., chia seeds pudding), and seed butter.

Replacing Refined Carbs with Whole Carbs

A straightforward strategy for weight management is replacing refined carbohydrate sources with whole alternatives. It not only maintains the taste but also increases the fibre content. Higher fibre content leads to satiety and, subsequently, weight loss. For example, substitute refined flour with multigrain millet flour for noticeable portion size and weight reduction effects.

Metabolism-Boosting Natural Foods

Certain foods possess metabolism-boosting properties that can support weight loss when incorporated into the diet. These include chilli peppers, which have a thermogenic effect, as well as herbs and spices like cinnamon, star anise, and cayenne pepper. Sprinkle them onto meals to enhance your weight loss journey. Additionally, chewing on seeds such as fennel, cumin, carom, and cardamom, as well as consuming seeds like chia, flax, sunflower, and safflower, can serve as healthy snacks to aid weight loss.

Increasing Dietary Fibre

Increasing the dietary fibre intake is a simple approach to achieving weight loss. Fibre contributes to stool bulk, promotes early satiety, and reduces hunger pangs. You can do this by:

  • Swapping refined cereals for whole grains and cereal flour.
  • Choosing whole fruits over fruit juices.
  • Opt for herbal water, such as fennel water, cumin water, or carom seeds water, instead of carbonated drinks.
  • Incorporating more vegetables into the meals.

Prioritising Quality Sleep

A good night’s sleep supports weight loss by reducing stress hormones and enhancing metabolism. Aim for 8 hours of sleep per night. To achieve this, consider the following:

  • Disconnect from screens at least 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Remove distractions like phones and gadgets from your immediate vicinity.
  • Create a dark and quiet sleeping environment by closing windows if necessary.
  • Focus on relaxation techniques to facilitate sleep.


Maintaining proper hydration is essential for weight loss. Well-hydrated individuals tend to feel full more quickly. Hydration also aids in resolving issues such as constipation and digestive problems. Achieve good hydration by adding fruits to your diet, drinking water regularly, and incorporating milk into your daily intake. Setting reminders to drink water on your mobile device can be a helpful strategy.

Stress Management

Stress is a significant contributor to various health issues, including weight gain. Stress-induced eating, or mindless eating, can lead to overconsumption. Implement relaxation techniques, such as meditation, breathing exercises, or seeking professional support when needed to manage stress effectively and support your weight loss journey.


Try intermittent fasting or exercise for weight loss. Opt for simpler activities like walking, jogging, running, and yoga. Get professional guidance for at-home routines, including stretching, squats, sit-ups, jumping jacks, and skipping. Practice mindful eating by tracking calories, creating a serene dining atmosphere, and eating slowly. Begin the day with protein-rich foods for satiety. Replace refined carbs, include metabolism-boosting foods, and up dietary fiber for effective weight management. Prioritize quality sleep, hydration, and stress management for a holistic approach to long-term weight loss, emphasizing relaxation and self-care.

HealthifyMe Suggestion

Losing weight naturally also means avoiding crash diets. Crash dieting can be tempting in many ways, offering a quick and relatively easier fix to your weight loss problem. Popular crash diets include the juice diet, the 7-day detox diet, the military diet etc. But while they often promise rapid weight loss results, crash diets are highly unsustainable as it aims in excluding some or most of major food groups in order to achieve rapid weight loss results.

These diets are nutritionally unbalanced and can lead to long-term poor physical and mental health along with extreme hunger. This can lead to overeating when we finally do eat and may often choose less healthy foods leading to weight gain again. So choose natural weight loss with mindful eating and physical activity for better weight loss results.


Consistency proves to be the key to successful weight loss. The accumulation of excess weight over months and years, primarily due to prolonged overindulgence and neglect of one’s well-being, necessitates a measured and patient approach. Along with a balanced diet, focus on exercise, including simple activities like walking, jogging, running, and yoga, and even easy home exercises. Starting the day with protein-rich and fibre-rich foods is recommended for enhanced satiety and reduced calorie consumption.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this article is just to disperse knowledge and raise awareness. It does not intend to replace medical advice from professionals. For further information, please contact our certified nutritionists Here.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. What are natural methods for losing weight?

A. Natural methods for losing weight include a balanced diet with portion control, regular physical activity, staying hydrated, getting adequate sleep, reducing stress, and incorporating whole foods into your meals. These approaches promote gradual and sustainable weight loss by creating a caloric deficit and supporting overall health and well-being.

Q. Are there specific foods that aid in natural weight loss?

A. Certain foods, such as chilli peppers, possess thermogenic properties that can boost metabolism and promote weight loss. Additionally, there are various other herbs and spices like cinnamon, star anise, and cayenne pepper that naturally support weight loss. You can also chew on spices like fennel seeds, cumin seeds, carom seeds, and cardamom seeds for their weight loss benefits. Furthermore, seeds such as chia, flax, sunflower, and safflower can be consumed as a nutritious snack to aid in your weight loss efforts.

Q. How can physical activity contribute to natural weight loss?

A. Engaging in physical activity creates a calorie deficit, enabling you to burn off the surplus calories. This process ensures that the food you eat is effectively utilised by the body, preventing it from being stored and, consequently, averting weight gain. 

Q. What role does metabolism play in natural weight loss?

A.  A slow metabolism can pose challenges when trying to shed pounds. Fortunately, certain foods can accelerate metabolic processes, facilitating faster weight loss. 

Q. Is it possible to lose weight naturally without counting calories?

A. Diet and Workout goes hand in hand. So, consistent physical activity can make a difference, if someone maintains a regular diet while engaging in daily 45-minute to 1-hour workout sessions, to achieve weight loss. 

Q. How does stress management impact natural weight loss?

A.  Stress represents a significant risk factor for various degenerative diseases, and stress eating has become a prevalent issue in modern times. Stress eating can also be described as the opposite of mindful eating because heightened stress levels can impair one’s ability to eat with awareness and control. The essential solution lies in relaxation. Engaging in practices like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or even seeking professional assistance when dealing with high-stress situations can significantly contribute to effective weight management.

Q. Can improving sleep quality help with losing weight naturally?

A. The ideal goal is to aim for 8 hours of sleep per day to support your weight loss journey. If you’re experiencing difficulties with sleep, there are strategies you can adopt to improve sleep quality. Two hours before bedtime, it’s essential to turn off all screens. For instance, if your bedtime is at 11 p.m., avoid any screen time after 9 p.m. Eliminate distractions such as phones and gadgets, keeping them out of arm’s reach and away from your immediate vicinity. While this adjustment may initially seem challenging, consistency is the key. 

Q. How can portion control assist in natural weight loss?

A. Effective weight loss depends on portion control, which in turn helps in attaining a calorie deficit. Portion control entails managing the sizes of your servings and being aware of both the quantity of food you consume and the calories it represents.

Q. Can mindful eating practices contribute to natural weight loss?

A.  Practising mindful eating is beneficial for preventing excessive weight gain and aiding in weight loss. When individuals watch a movie or their favourite TV series, their attention is typically on the screen rather than their food, often leading to overeating. Dining with family or friends, without the distraction of screens, encourages a more conscious and enjoyable eating experience, which can contribute to effective weight management.

Q. What is the role of hydration in losing weight naturally?

A. Maintaining proper hydration plays a significant role in supporting weight loss. Individuals with adequate hydration tend to experience a sense of fullness more quickly compared to those who are not well-hydrated. Moreover, optimal hydration can alleviate constipation and digestive problems. Achieving good hydration status can be as simple as incorporating fruits into your diet, regularly drinking water, and including milk in your meals. Additionally, setting reminders on your phone to stay hydrated can be a helpful strategy.

Q. Is there a connection between meal timing and natural weight loss?

A. A consistent meal schedule can effectively alleviate sudden and intense hunger pangs, ultimately contributing to weight loss. High-intensity hunger pangs often lead to overconsumption of food. By maintaining regular meal timings, you establish a sense of routine and consistency, which in turn promotes successful weight management.

Q. How can you stay motivated on a natural weight loss journey?

A. Weight gain often results from years and months of overeating and neglecting proper self-care. Weight loss, therefore, demands time and dedication. After maintaining motivation and adhering to a consistent routine for 3-4 weeks, one can attain the desired results. Remember, with unwavering commitment and the implementation of scientifically supported methods, anyone can achieve weight loss. 

Research Sources

A Large Prospective Investigation of Sleep Duration, Weight Change, and Obesity in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study Cohort

Sugar-Sweetened and Artificially-Sweetened Beverages in Relation to Obesity Risk

The addition of a protein-rich breakfast and its effects on acute appetite control and food intake in ‘breakfast-skipping’ adolescents

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