CBD AND CHILDREN – Healthytrendsdigest.com

CBD and Children: Why Parents Are Administering CBD to Their Kids

With the gaining popularity of CBD infused products and the claims that CBD can treat a wide array of health issues, parents around the globe are wondering if CBD could benefit their children.

Before administering any medication or naturopathic product to children, a licensed healthcare professional should be consulted.

What is CBD?

CBD is one of over 100 cannabinoids found in the hemp plant which act on the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system is responsible for regulating numerous systems and organs in the body and contains CB1 and CB2 receptors.

CBD acts on CB1 and CB2 receptors to reduce pain and inflammation, curb nausea, reduce stress and calm anxiety. CBD is non-psychoactive and will not leave the consumer feeling “high,” like traditional THC-based products do.

CBD is not the same as cannabis, and as an isolated compound, it is typically considered safe for use in children. CBD has fewer side effects than traditional pharmaceutical interventions and offers an alternative to traditional treatments.

Critical Research

In the May 2017 publication of The Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics, researchers reviewed the history of cannabis use in pediatrics and current medical literature to assist healthcare providers in giving the most current treatment information to their patients.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse published an article about the biology and potential therapeutic effects of cannabinoids. Researchers found that CBD has wide-ranging therapeutic effects, including anti-seizure, antioxidant, neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-tumor, antipsychotic and anti-anxiety properties. The article further reviewed 25 studies on the safety and efficacy of CBD and did not identify any negative side effects across a wide range of doses.

CBD and Children

Many parents across the globe are turning towards CBD as an alternative to traditional therapies for their children. Perhaps the most famous case, which led to medical legalization for pediatric patients in the United States, is Charlotte.

Charlotte had her first seizure at 3 months old, and by the time she was three years old she was in a wheelchair, stopped talking and couldn’t eat. She demonstrated autistic type behavior and significant cognitive decline. After numerous doctor visits, Charlotte was diagnosed with Dravet Syndrome – an extremely debilitating and rare form of epilepsy.

Charlotte and her parents tried every pharmaceutical remedy they could think of over the next few years, but Charlotte didn’t improve. With nothing to lose, Charlotte’s parents turned to CBD. Within one week Charlotte dropped from 500 grand mal seizures per week to zero seizures. The results were baffling to doctors.

After hearing of Charlotte’s success, many parents have started administering CBD to their children to treat seizures, autism behaviors and anxiety when traditional treatments fail.

Talk to Your Doctor

If you think your child may benefit from daily CBD, talk to your doctor. While the scientific evidence on CBD use in children is minimal, there have been many subjective reports of relief from parents and their kids.

Visit https://www.cbdlivingwater.com/shop/ to shop Healthytrendsdigest.com’s full range of full-spectrum CBD products.

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