Building A Sustainable Post-Detox Lifestyle

Because of its physically and emotionally demanding nature, an alcohol detox is the most challenging part of addiction treatment. Nevertheless, it’s a critical first step towards long-term recovery because it allows your body to adjust without alcohol while overcoming uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.

Understanding the role of Alcohol Detox Medication is crucial in navigating the journey from detox to recovery, ensuring a smoother transition and a foundation for a sustainable post-detox lifestyle.

But what comes next?

Statistics show that between 40 and 60 per cent of people undergoing addiction treatment relapse. Because relapsing is not uncommon on the road to addiction recovery, it’s important to build a sustainable lifestyle that supports your progress after detox.  So, if you or a loved one has recently completed an alcohol detox course, here’s how to build a sustainable post-detox lifestyle.

Remember That Alcohol Detox Is Just The First Step

For starters, you need to understand that an alcohol detox is just the first step of your treatment process. Initially, it’s likely that completing an alcohol detox was your short-term goal, but keep in mind that recovery is a journey rather than a destination. So, once you’ve completed an alcohol detox, it’s time to revise your goals to embrace long-term sobriety.

Continued Treatment And Therapy

The most important element of a post-detox lifestyle is continuing treatment. Keep in mind that you’re still susceptible to triggers, so seeing a licensed mental health practitioner can help you build effective coping mechanisms. A professional therapist can walk you through different techniques and strategies on the right way to deal with triggers and alcohol cravings. Some common examples include mindfulness meditation, group therapy, and psychotherapy.

Build A Support System

Feeling isolated can worsen emotional triggers, making it harder to cope with cravings. That’s why experts recommend surrounding oneself with a strong network of family members and friends. These are people who understand the difficulties of addiction recovery and can provide support when you need it most.

Support groups are another source of comfort for those struggling with addiction treatment. These are places where you can talk to other people dealing with alcohol addiction and practice different coping strategies.

Prioritise Wellbeing

During your home detox, it’s likely that a medical professional recommended staying hydrated, taking vitamin supplements, and making balanced nutrition a part of your routine. It’s great if you managed to incorporate all these things into your routine, but remember they’re not limited to the two-week detox period. Rather, these are the building blocks of improved physical and mental well-being.

Today, a large number of addiction treatment facilities are embracing a holistic approach, which focuses on physical and mental wellness. Here’s what you should be doing to prioritize wellbeing as part of your post-detox lifestyle:

Balanced Nutrition

Alcohol addiction can leave a lasting impact on your gut health. Not only does it make it harder for your body to absorb nutrition from the food you eat, but it also curbs hunger, causing you to seek out empty calories. In the long run, this can result in overall malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies. You should also remember that refined carbohydrates can trigger the same reward pathway as addictive substances like alcohol, resulting in cravings.

Quality Sleep

During the initial stages of treatment, it’s likely that your sleep cycle is disrupted due to the effects of alcohol or even withdrawal symptoms. Restful sleep is crucial for addiction recovery because of how it reduces anxiety, elevates mood, and improves cognitive functioning. It also stimulates the body’s natural healing mechanism, allowing you to feel well-rested and energized in the long run. In fact, there’s evidence that a lack of restful sleep can increase the risk of relapse.

Regular Exercise

If you’re trying to find new ways to stay engaged after detox, then consider exercising on a regular basis. Experts argue that physical activity is a healthy alternative to using addictive substances. There’s evidence that exercise activates and stabilizes the brain’s reward system, the same part of the brain impacted by addictive substances. Similarly, it triggers the release of neurotransmitters that improve your mood, such as dopamine and serotonin.

If you continue to experience withdrawal symptoms after detox, exercise can alleviate feelings of depression and anxiety. It’s also an effective distraction from urges to take your desired substance. A less-known benefit of exercising is that it replaces old triggers by giving you something else to do and allowing you to expand your social network.

Finding New Hobbies

For many people recovering from alcohol addiction, it’s a struggle to find new hobbies. For instance, if you previously spent weekend evenings with friends at a local pub, engaging in such activities after your detox can be triggering. In this case, it’s important to replace old habits with new ones to keep you engaged. Consider learning a new skill or take this opportunity to rediscover an old hobby, whether it’s painting or baking.

Overcome Underlying Issues

Mental health experts argue that understanding underlying causes is an essential aspect of overcoming chronic conditions like substance abuse. During continued treatment, your practitioner will help you address underlying environmental, psychological, and emotional factors that may have caused your alcohol addiction. Working with a licensed professional is the best way to explore these issues and process past traumas.

Know Your Triggers

During recovery, it’s possible that the slightest inconvenience can snowball into a highly stressful situation, resulting in a higher risk of relapse. It’s important that you stay vigilant of objects and stimuli that could lead to a relapse. It’s possible that your triggers include specific places, people, or situations. Don’t worry, though, as addiction recovery experts can help you navigate these challenges by distracting yourself or managing your emotions.

Remember: It’s A Journey, Not A Destination

After you’ve completed detox, you need to make a commitment to the recovery process. When you stop thinking of it as a destination but rather a journey, you’ll be open to learning new skills and accepting setbacks as part of the bigger picture. For a sustainable post-detox lifestyle that helps you recover, you need to focus on continuing treatment, building coping strategies, and trusting your support system. Your lifestyle should also include an increased emphasis on mental and physical wellbeing through changes like balanced nutrition, exercise, and engaging in new hobbies.

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