Can CBD Oil Help Hyperactive Dogs?

If you have a rowdy pup running around at home, you’ve probably asked yourself the following question: Can CBD oil help hyperactive dogs? The answer is yes!

Dogs, like humans, have an endocannabinoid system that moderates stress and sleep. Using the cannabinoids of the cannabis plant (such as CBD), dog owners can give their fur babies something to take things down a notch for a couple hours.

The best part about CBD? It’s non-toxic, even with regular use. Once you find the right serving, you can use it on a regular basis to help your loved one relax and chill out.

How CBD Helps

Hemp-based wellness products, like CBD oil, have been used for thousands of years to relieve aches and pains while offering extra calming properties. By hitting enzymes in the brain, CBD oil keeps hormone production going in the body’s endocannabinoid system.

With a safe, healthy serving of CBD, your dog may enjoy benefits, such as relief from sleep problems, joint pain, and anxiety. For dogs in their golden years, a regular CBD regimen can be life-changing.

As far as recent science goes, hemp oils haven’t been studied much in relation to their use on animals. Still, this hasn’t stopped organizations like the AKC from letting dog owners know that CBD is safe for regular use. There’s also a vocal group of pet owners who have had positive experiences using hemp products on their loved ones.

When Training Just Isn’t Enough

It’s tough to say what makes a dog hyper. It could be a question of breeding, chemistry, discipline, or a combination of all three. CBD can help.

By calming your dog down, it becomes a lot easier to tackle the art of training your dog and teaching them to be more obedient. When dogs feel more relaxed, they can focus on what they’re being taught instead of how many butterflies are outside.

There are even dog training programs now that incorporate CBD into their schedules. If you decide to train your dog with CBD, you’ll be in the company of dog-training professionals.

Keeping Your Dog Calm at Home

As any dog owner can tell you, leaving your loved one home alone can result in unspoken mayhem. When master’s away, shoes get destroyed, holes are dug in the garden, and pillows get ripped to shreds.

While these are clear signs of stress that should be handled through proper training, CBD oil can provide a helpful stopgap in the meantime. The more your pup gets used to you being gone, the less havoc they’ll wreak in your absence.

CBD can help your dog feel calmer about any situation they’re in, whether that’s being home alone, flying in a carrier, or seeing a vicious mailman threatening to set foot on their property.

Again, can training handle most of these problems? Absolutely, but it can take time that many people just don’t have. While it’s important to take steps toward dog obedience, CBD provides a temporary solution.

Giving Your Dog the Right Serving

When searching for the right amount of CBD to give your hyper dog, it can be tempting to throw caution to the wind and give them as much as you feel like. After all, it’s non-toxic, right? What’s the harm in giving them a stiff serving and letting them sleep it off?

While CBD is indeed safe and non-toxic, it’s still possible to overdo it. Side effects of too much CBD include diarrhea, weight changes, and fatigue. You wouldn’t want anything like that happening to you — don’t let it happen to your dog either.

A safe place to start is with 1mg per pound in body weight. If your dog weighs 10 pounds, give them 10mg of CBD. Easy enough, right?

What if it’s not enough? No sweat. In fact, many dogs may not respond to a serving this size, but it’s important to start small and increase servings from there.

If your dog doesn’t respond to a 1mg:1lb serving, wait until the next day to give them more. Overloading their endocannabinoid system can lead to drug tolerance, making it harder for them to feel the effects later on. If you patiently bump up your doses little by little, you can avoid that.

At some point, increasing a serving won’t help your dog anymore. Once you’re giving them 5mg per pound in body weight, it’s probably a good time to stop and visit a vet. While CBD isn’t going to harm your dog, ineffectiveness could be a sign of other issues that need attention.

Dog-Friendly CBD Formulations

cbdfx pet treatsIn general, there are two different ways to give your dog CBD: tincture oils or dog treats. Both make it easy to measure out exact servings, and both are formulated for specific purposes that help dogs of all kinds.

When it comes to hyper dogs, treats formulated for stress and anxiety can be very helpful. Because each dog treat has a specific serving of CBD inside, it’s easy to know exactly how much your dog is getting each time.

One important practice in dog training is to teach your loved one that obedience is rewarded with tasty treats. This makes CBD dog treats a 2-for-1 deal — they contain CBD to help calm your dog down, and they come in handy during training situations.

CBD oil for hyper dogs can also come in a tincture variety. Each bottle contains 30 or 60mL of CBD oil, with a 1mL dropper used to measure out exact servings.

Is a dropper as easy to use as a dog treat? Probably not, but to make things simple, tincture oils are flavored so your dog won’t mind — this oil even tastes like bacon!

Both dog treats and tincture oils have their own unique benefits. CBD tincture oils are usually formulated with a variety of helpful cannabinoids, while dog treats can contain herbs and minerals like Valerian root and chamomile.

It’s up to you to figure out what works best for your dog, and we’re sure they won’t mind the taste testing that’s required to get there.

Buying Quality CBD for Your Hyper Dog

The last thing you want when trying to relax a revved up pup is a CBD product that doesn’t work. There are lots of different wellness products out there, and some work much better than others. How do you pick?

Start with organic. These products won’t contain synthetic pesticides and fertilizers which can weaken the CBD. Most people agree that organic products just work better all around.

Next, check the product’s lab report. This will tell you which compounds are in your product and in what quantities. Along with that, a lab report lets you know that there aren’t any harmful solvents left over from when the product was formulated. You wouldn’t want them in your body — your dog doesn’t want them in theirs either.

Finally, try a variety of products and see which ones your dog loves. Good luck!

Ready to shop our broad spectrum CBD oil for dogs?

Click here to have a bottle shipped to you today.

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