CBD Recipes: Can You Make CBD Tea?

If you love a good CBD beverage, you’ve probably wondered if you can make CBD tea. 

Plenty of people love CBD tea since it offers the therapeutic benefits of CBD disguised as their favorite thirst quenchers. 

The best thing about CBD teas is they’re effortless to make, and there are a few different ways to go about it. 

Let’s talk more about CBD drinks. Specifically, how they work, the benefits, and where to find it. Then we’ll give you a few CBD tea recipes you can try on your own. 

What’s CBD? 

CBD comes from the cannabis Sativa plant, aka, the hemp plant. 

It’s often confused with the marijuana plant since they come from the same cannabis sativa species, but there is one stark difference—hemp contains less than 0.3% hemp, where cannabis contains 30% THC and up. 

Hemp is non-psychoactive since it contains such small levels of THC. In fact, it’s such a low amount you won’t feel the effects of THC at all. 

Instead, you’ll notice full-body relaxation flow through your body, enhancing your mood and loosening those tight, tense areas of your body. 

How Do CBD Drinks Work with the Body? 

The main categories of CBD products include capsules, edibles, vapes, and oils. 

The edible section breaks down further into waters, teas, candies, gummies, and cookies. The industry is continuously changing and evolving with more options available, so don’t be surprised if you run across other unique product options. 

CBD drinks work like any other CBD product through the helpful relationship with the endocannabinoid system. When ingested, it has to pass through the digestive system to absorb into your bloodstream. 

Then you can feel the effects, which is typically 30-90 minutes later for most people. 

Benefits of CBD Tea

A woman petting her dogHere are some of the benefits you can expect from a cup of CBD tea. 

  • Calming effects felt across the body
  • Reduction of minor aches and pains
  • Lighter feeling, loosening of tight, tense muscles
  • Improved mood
  • Enhanced optimism 

The effects of CBD, in general, vary based on an array of factors such as age, weight, metabolism, and the concentration of the product. However, these are the most common benefits people have come to know and love. 

Tips to Find the Best CBD Tea

A basket of booksYou can find CBD tea almost anywhere, but that doesn’t mean you should purchase from anywhere. Look for reputable companies that take quality seriously. 

How do you know which companies take quality seriously? 

This is a fair question, especially since everyone can claim to take all the necessary precautions to produce high-quality hemp products. Don’t worry; there’s a way to separate the real from the not-so-honest contenders. 

Look for third-party lab test results. 

What’s the saying, “The proof is in the pudding?”

Well, the proof is in the lab results in this case. 

You can check the potency to make sure it aligns with the advertised amount, and you can see if the product contains any pesticides, toxins, or heavy metals—all culprits of non-organic farming techniques. 

Now you know how to find the best CBD tea bags, so let’s get you some tasty recipes. 

Cinnamon Honey CBD Tea

If you love a hot cup of cinnamon honey tea, you’re going to love our take on this classic. 

Here’s what you’ll need: 

  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • A sprinkle of cinnamon on top, or a cinnamon stick
  • A lemon wedge 
  • 1 tea bag CBD tea
  • 1 cup hot water, making sure you have enough to fill the cup. 

You’re going to gather all your ingredients and prepare your water as you usually would. 

Then, steep your teabag for 4-5 minutes (or per the included instructions). 

Add the cinnamon, honey, lemon to taste. 


Coco Mint CBD Tea

A relaxing take on chocolate mint that you don’t want to miss out on—the perfect after-dinner drink. 

Here’s what you’ll need: 

  • 1 Peppermint tea bag
  • A CBD tea bag 
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa powder
  • Honey, to taste
  • Hot water
  • Milk

Again, gather all your ingredients, and prepare your water as you usually would. 

Then, steep both of your tea bags (the peppermint and CBD tea bags) for 4-5 minutes, or per the included instructions. 

Stir in the cocoa and the honey to taste. 


Iced Matcha CBD Green Tea Latte

If you’re feeling more of a matcha latte vibe, this is a great recipe to try. Not to mention, matcha boasts all kinds of benefits since it contains high levels of antioxidants and nutrients. 

Here’s what you’ll need: 

  • 1 tsp matcha powder
  • 1–2 tbsp hot water 
  • 8 oz milk of your choice 
  • 1–2 teaspoons honey or maple syrup
  • Dash of vanilla extract 
  • 15–30 mg CBD tincture, or your preferred serving amount
  • Ice

You want to start with a small bowl and whisk the hot water and matcha powder together. From there, you want to create a paste free of clumps, adding more water if needed.  

Add honey, vanilla extract, and CBD tincture. 

Whisk and blend well. 

Fill a glass with ice and milk, and pour the matcha mixture into the glass. 

Stir well and drink immediately.

Other Tips Regarding CBD Teas

  • You always want to use hot water, as it helps activate the CBD. However, you can still chill the tea or serve it over ice. 
  • Be mindful of the onset time—anywhere between 30-90 minutes
  • Don’t drive after a cup of your delicious tea!

Wrapping Up 

The possibilities are endless when it comes to CBD tea recipes. Don’t be afraid to get in the kitchen and come up with your own concoction

As you can see, all you need is high-quality CBD tea bags, along with any other flavor additives your taste buds enjoy. 

CBD drinks are a tranquil touch at the end of the day, or for those lazy Sundays; you just want to kick back and relax. 

Which recipe will you be trying first?

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