Cultivate Mindfulness And Healthy Habits to Combat Infertility Stress

Infertility is a stressful, confusing issue that millions of couples face. But, even though 1 in 7 couples struggle with infertility, it’s still considered taboo to talk about openly. This only leads to a further sense of embarrassment and stress, which mystifies the problem, and does little to help.

If you happen to be dealing with fertility issues, then it’s quite likely that you are also suffering from a good deal of stress, and that this stress is interfering with other elements of your day-to-day life. But this needn’t be the case.

Here are a few tips to help you cultivate mindfulness and healthy habits while you are dealing with infertility stress.

Understanding Infertility

Part of the problem with infertility is that it isn’t well understood by most people. This leads to embarrassing and insensitive jokes and can make it difficult to open up or see a medical professional who can help you increase your chances of conception.

First things first, you should know that infertility is defined by the NHS as “when a couple cannot get pregnant (conceive) despite having regular unprotected sex.” Regular sex is around 3 times a week for at least a year. So, if it’s only been a month or two, then you shouldn’t be too worried about infertility.

Infertility is frustrating for both parties, and you should not try to deal with it alone. Instead, speak to a medical professional who can help you make key lifestyle changes, or can suggest treatments and conception plans like IVF and other options.

Finally, do your best to avoid common fertility myths. Fertility is not a woman’s problem alone, and vaccination status does not impact your ability to conceive. Your best approach is to work closely with medical professionals who can help you with trusted, evidence-based treatments that have worked for thousands of couples.


Many people turn to alcohol when they’re under stress. However, alcohol slows down your cognitive function and deepens the stress you are feeling. Additionally, excessive consumption of alcohol can repress your desire to have sex, as your body’s reaction to sexual stimulation is dampened when you are under the influence of alcohol. There is also a chance that heavy alcohol consumption can disrupt your hormonal balance, which makes it harder to conceive.

In the long run, using alcohol to cope will make you feel worse and can add to the stress you are already feeling. This will not help you overcome infertility stress and can cause serious friction in relationships. It can also lead to alcoholism.

It is possible to overcome alcohol dependence, and you should start by speaking to your doctor or GP. Additionally, you can get in touch with alcohol support services who are there to help guide you through the recovery process and will understand what you are going through.

Smoking And Vaping

By now, everyone knows that smoking is terrible for your health and the health of those around you. Over time, smoking reduces fertility and can significantly increase the chance of respiratory illness in newborn babies. Yet, millions of people light up every day.

Cigarettes also cause severe anxiety and dependency in smokers. So, while nicotine might give you an initial sense of relief, it actually increases your overall stress and makes it almost impossible to find a sense of peace and mindfulness in your day-to-day life.

Many smokers have turned to vaping as an alternative to smoking. While vaping is less harmful than smoking, it still is not safe and may cause a host of health issues following long-term use. This is a problem, as 60% of all vapers are millennials — the same age group that is most likely to be having sex for conception. While this may not have a direct effect on your fertility, vaping is still addictive and can cause you to feel stressed and depressed when you do not have access to it.


The food we eat plays a major role in our overall happiness, health, and wellbeing. That’s because different foods impact everything from our weight to our mood. If you know that you struggle with stress, then you can consider a change of diet as part of your action plan to live a more mindful lifestyle.

First off, you need to ensure you’re eating regularly. When you’re hungry, it becomes hard to focus, and you’ll quickly become irritable. You also need to ensure you’re taking on plenty of water, as dehydration has a detrimental impact on your mood and energy levels.

It’s also worth experimenting a little with different food groups if you feel as though you are bloated often, or are having a hard time digesting your food. That’s because our guts are all different, and may have a harder time digesting certain foods. By finding a varied range of foods that make you feel great, you optimize your chances of living a life guided by mindfulness and positive thinking.


Mindfulness is a practice in its own right. Nowadays, almost anyone can carve out the time to follow mindfulness routines and combat any kind of stress they might be feeling. You can easily find online, guided mindfulness routines to follow like or Calm.

These services are particularly useful for folks who are dealing with infertility stress. The sessions are guided by calming speakers, and the routine will keep you on track and help reduce the stress you feel. Over time, this will help you manage infertility stress, and lead to a healthier, more optimistic life.

Infertility is a common problem that affects millions of people around the globe. You should work closely with a medical professional who can get you the treatment you need and can pick up healthy habits along the way that help improve your chances of conception and reduce your overall stress.

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