Does CBD Work for Energy and Focus?

Perhaps you’ve taken CBD for its anti-inflammatory properties or to help you get better sleep. But what about when you need some help keeping up your energy levels throughout the day, or focusing on a certain task? As more research is completed on CBD, we’re discovering more and more ways this compound may be beneficial. 

CBD can have a therapeutic effect on many different aspects of our health and wellness. If you’re struggling to focus during the day, CBD products can actually help support more consistent energy levels and boost your productivity. 

Keep reading to find out more about CBD’s relationship with your focus and energy.

Why It Feels Hard to Focus

Have you ever struggled with procrastination? In other words … are you human?

Procrastination and distraction happen to everyone. At some point, whether in our work or our personal lives, we experience some mental resistance to finishing a task. Maybe it’s because we don’t think the task is going to be pleasant, we’re experiencing burnout, or a whole laundry list of other reasons. 

If you’ve ever looked into this subject, you’ll see tons of different articles about “how to focus.” There are lots of lifehacks, productivity tips, and shortcuts that experts recommend to develop the ability to concentrate as a skill.

At the end of the day, you’re just looking for an approach that works. And with constantly pinging emails, social media feeds, and overstimulation from the sheer number of screens in our lives, concentrating amongst distractions is difficult. 

Many find CBD products can be helpful in growing your day-to-day calm, and CBD can be an integral part of a healthy routine that improves your energy levels. If you’re looking to cultivate better habits for your focus, you’re in the right place.

Handling Everyday Stressors

Cannabidiol, otherwise known as CBD, is a non-psychoactive compound from the cannabis family of plants. Unlike its famous cousin, THC (found in high concentrations in marijuana plants), CBD is non-intoxicating and is known for its beneficial therapeutic effects. 

CBD interacts with our endocannabinoid system, a network of receptors that send signals throughout our body. The endocannabinoid system regulates many of our most critical functions, from sleep to pain to stress and anxiety. 

On most days, you experience a lot of different stressors. If these interactions are too stimulating, our brains can overload and our receptors become less responsive. Stress affects our focus levels and our memory, and we may start to have trouble remembering even basic tasks.

Overstimulation can have an effect on both our mental and physical health. You know the feeling of getting up out of your office chair after you just answered a barrage of emails, and you’re tense or stiff? We commonly carry stress and anxiety in our necks, shoulders, hips, and backs. 

Feelings of inflammation or discomfort in certain areas of the body, on top of mental stress, can make it difficult to relax and focus. 

One of the most impactful effects of CBD, in terms of energy and focus, is the potential of CBD as an anxiolytic, something that can reduce anxiety. CBD may be able to help you take your mind off of stress and anxiety, which leaves more room for focus. 

cbdfx photo lifestyle wellnesstincture  apr  Feeling the fast effects of CBD through something like a CBD oil tincture can be exactly what you need to get through a stressful moment and find calm on the other side. Since CBD has a relatively moderate effect on your mind and body, it can easily be used as part of your daily routine to help you relax into a state of focus.

P.S. — if your anxiety is growing from a distraction into a larger issue, you may want to consider also exploring CBD products for anxiety.

Getting the Right Nutrients

In addition to helping create the feelings of calm that lead to focus, CBD products can also improve your energy levels in other ways.

Many energy and focus dips can be traced back to a lack of certain nutrients. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are surprisingly common in American adults. 

There are so many different vitamins and minerals that are absolutely critical to your mental and physical energy levels. For instance, vitamin B12 can boost energy levels, improve memory, support bone health, and enhance your overall mood. Vitamin C, best known for boosting your immune system, can also help prevent iron deficiency and enhance cognitive function.

We commonly give our kids multivitamins, but when we reach adulthood, we may not keep the habit. 

If you think you could benefit from adding a multivitamin into your routine, there are now a ton of CBD gummy options that combine the therapeutic benefits of CBD with supplements. Multivitamin CBD gummies for women and men can combine the daily dose of the nutrients you need with the CBD that can help balance your stress levels and mood throughout the day. 

Offering a Smarter Caffeine Alternative

If you struggle with energy and focus, you may drink coffee or another kind of caffeine as an easy remedy. However, while coffee may work to help wake you up for a few hours, many find it isn’t a long-term fix. In fact, coffee can often actually leave you feeling tired

If you’re experiencing dips in your energy or focus, consider changing your routine to avoid caffeine jitters or a mid-afternoon crash. 

cbdfx photo lifestyle morningcapsules  mar  Most of caffeine’s effects come from how it blocks the receptors for a chemical called adenosine, produced in the central nervous system, from regulating your sleep-wake cycle. Although caffeine blocks the receptors, it doesn’t stop the production of adenosine. Eventually, when the effects of caffeine wear off, there is plenty of adenosine waiting to bind to the receptors, leading to feelings of fatigue and the dreaded “coffee crash.” 

New CBD options offer an alternative way to start your morning right and keep you going all day. CBD + CBG Morning Capsules combine broad spectrum CBD and CBG, plus time-release caffeine. These morning capsules come with other ingredients that have focus and antioxidant properties, including 500mg of L-Tyrosine per serving. 

Achieving Better Sleep

Finally, CBD can help you get the kind of deep sleep that can power you through the following day. 

For many people, no matter what you do during the day, the biggest boost for focus is actually being properly rested. You know it’s true: When you’re sleep-deprived, it’s harder to focus, and you’re much less productive. We can’t function at our best when we’re not getting enough sleep.

Avoiding fatigue in the first place, by getting enough sleep, boosts your ability to focus. And yet, sleeping well can be difficult. You can settle into bed, ready to drift off, only to find anxiety rearing its head about something that happened earlier that day, or something looming on the horizon tomorrow.

cbdfx us blog What Are the Best CBD Gummies for SleepCBD products are especially popular for sleep, because they can help your body and mind relax and prepare for deep rest. Many CBD products may also contain ingredients that promote relaxation, like chamomile, passion flower, and lemon balm.

Products like CBD gummies with melatonin can also help improve your sleep in another way. Melatonin can help your body’s circadian rhythm match up better, regulating your day and night cycles. 

With beneficial CBD products, you can get on track falling asleep fast and sleeping soundly through the night. With a full night’s sleep, you’re better refreshed and re-energized in the morning.

The Right CBD Product for Energy and Focus 

Whatever route you take in using CBD to help you focus, there are lots of options.

You may want to consider CBD gummies, since they are processed through your digestive system and therefore have a more gradual effect. Others may prefer oil tinctures that are absorbed by the capillaries under the tongue, working much faster.

Whatever you choose, find a vendor that offers many different products and options so you can find what’s the best fit for you.

No matter what, know that you’re not alone in struggling to focus. If CBD can help, you’ve found a great tool for helping grow your energy levels. 

Want to see the difference a CBD product can make in your day?

Start by taking a look at CBDfx gummies!

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