Editor’s Pick: Best CBD Wellness Products

If you’ve got wellness on your mind, there’s a strong chance you’ve thought about CBD. That is, if you haven’t added it to your wellness routine already. Here at CBDfx, we all love trying different products and comparing notes. This got us thinking — why not share our favorite CBD wellness picks with you guys? If you want to take advantage of CBD benefits, pairing it with your wellness routine, you’re in the right place. Let’s start with some general information about wellness and CBD. Then, we’ll dive into the actual product selection. 

What Is Wellness? 

The concept of wellness is a broad one. We hear it all the time, but what does it really mean? Wellness revolves around the daily practices that help you achieve and maintain your mental and physical health. 

When you take time to create a wellness routine for yourself and stick to it, you’ll see you’re not just living anymore — you’re thriving. There are a few different wellness areas to consider: social bonds and connectedness, nutrition, exercise, sleep, and mindfulness. All of these areas play a distinct role in your wellness. 

What’s the Connection Between CBD and Wellness? 

CBD embodies a wide range of therapeutic benefits, thanks to all the various cannabinoids, terpenes, and essential oils that play a vital role in activating the Entourage Effect. If you recall the wellness areas we discussed above — social connectedness, exercise, nutrition, sleep, and mindfulness — you’ll see that CBD integrates into all of those categories. This is one of the main reasons you can find an array of CBD wellness products covering these areas, with many overlapping most beneficially. 

Editor’s Picks

Now that we’ve gotten all the formalities out of the way, let’s get into the actual products and how you can integrate them into your wellness journey. 

CBD Gummies with Turmeric & Spirulina 

Everyone’s heard of CBD gummies by now. They’re one of the top-selling CBD items across the market because they’re a great introductory product, and there’s a wide variety of formulations available. 

Our CBD Gummies with Turmeric and Spirulina (we call them superfood gummies) enhance wellness in many ways, depending on what you use them for. Some find they help take the edge off when trying to ease back on the social scene after a year indoors, while others find them a simple way to take advantage of turmeric and spirulina — both of which are incredibly healthy, but not terribly tasty on their own. 

We were surprised how delicious these gummies were, and we’re guessing you guys feel the same since it’s one of our top-selling products!

Editor’s Note: These gummies are on my desk now! They work well for daytime needs and nighttime needs if I need help relaxing the mind and body. 

CBD Focus Shots 

cbdfx photo lifestyle focusshot  aug  CBD drinks are gaining popularity very quickly since they provide a straightforward way to get your CBD on the go. Plus, many of them contain natural energy-enhancing ingredients that give you a little boost when you need it most. Our CBD Focus Shots contain 20mg of broad spectrum CBD, combined with 75mg of caffeine and 150mg of L-Arginine for healthy blood flow. 

In a world full of neverending distractions, a CBD Focus Shot gives you laser focus to knock your to-do list out. Oh, and it’s nice not having to make a trillion pit stops at Starbucks! 

Editor’s Note: Personally, as someone who doesn’t respond well to energy-enhancing drinks or supplements, I was surprised at the smoothness this product provided — no jitters, crashing, or crazy feels at all. 

CBD + CBN Capsules for Sleep 

cbdfx photo lifestyle nightcapsules  mar  Minor cannabinoids, like CBN and CBG, are making their way on the scene. Minor cannabinoids aren’t as well-known as THC and CBD, but they still offer their own unique benefits. Our CBD + CBN Night Capsules include a host of natural extracts and botanicals that help you get that deep slumber you’re looking for. 

CBN is also known as “the ultimate relaxation cannabinoid.” When combined with ingredients like organic valerian root, GABA, magnesium, and a specialized blend of terpenes to calm the mind and body, overactive minds shut off, and good sleep follows. 

Editor’s Note: I didn’t even think I was capable of sleeping like this anymore. I wake up feeling refreshed and renewed instead of groggy, achy, and annoyed. 

CBD + CBG Wellness Tincture 

cbdfx photo lifestyle wellnesstincture  mar  This wellness tincture spotlights another minor cannabinoid — CBG. This cannabinoid has a nickname as well, “the mother cannabinoid.” 

When the cannabis plant goes through all its growth phases, the first cannabinoid to form is CBGA, as a precursor to other cannabinoids. After a short time, some of those CBG compounds transform into other cannabinoids. So, it’s called the mother cannabinoids, because it gives birth to other cannabinoids through the growth process. 

Okay, now that we’ve gotten the science out of the way, let’s talk about our CBD + CBG 2:1 Wellness Tincture. With a 2:1 ratio of CBD to CBG and other health-boosting ingredients, like curcumin and coenzyme Q10, this tincture is the perfect way to start the day. The blend of cannabinoids provides the ideal mix of focus, chill, and balance. 

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory powers of curcumin and coenzyme Q10 offer a broad range of wellness benefits — more energy, mood balance, protection against free radicals, as well as a cognitive boost. 

Editor’s Note: I started adding a few drops to my morning smoothies and saw a massive improvement in my mornings. Plus, I love the versatility of this product — so many ways to take it! 

Which Product Will You Try First? 

Sometimes it’s hard trying to choose between specific products, especially if you’re new to CBD. This is why we decided to highlight the Editor’s Picks. Hopefully, this provides helpful insight and information when you’re juggling a couple of different options in your cyber cart. 

CBD and wellness go hand in hand, and there are plenty of products to choose from that enhance all of the needed areas! 

New to CBD? 

Grab a bottle of CBD Gummies to jumpstart your wellness journey!

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