Essential Tips For living A Clutter Free Life

Today, all of us live surrounded by clutter on a daily basis, at home, in the office or at school. While we like to think that an abundance of things gives us comfort and security, once these things pile up and start overwhelming our space, they turn into clutter which is bad for your mental and physical health. So how do you remove clutter from your life? Check out these amazing ideas:

Stop Clutter From Entering Your Space

It’s better to prevent clutter from forming than to have to remove it from your home. To do this, try to be mindful when shopping or accepting free gifts. Think twice before salvaging furniture from the sidewalk or hitting sales. Clutter comes in many forms, so make sure to think about whether an item entering your home can become junk in the future.

Put Everything In Its Place

This is probably the hardest thing to do—putting something back once you’re done using it. It makes perfect sense to take something, use it and put it back, but many of us still don’t do it. If you also find that hard, make a little game out of it—can you put that thing back in 5 seconds? Or try to narrate your actions like you would in a tutorial video (it strangely helps). If you just keep doing it, it will become a habit and your home will be much cleaner all the time.

Stick To A Monthly Purge

No matter how careful you are, stuff accumulates in your space like magic. To fight these dark spells, take your time once a month to purge your space of trash and throw away everything you don’t use or adore to see every day. Grab a trash bag, go about your space and get rid of everything that is cluttering your home or office. After your purge, you’ll feel so much better and lighter.

Create An Easy Way To Throw Things Away

No matter if it comes to clutter at home or clutter at work, it’s important to make getting rid of it easily and quickly. One of the most practical solutions is garbage chutes that allow a quick, safe and convenient way to move trash from upper floors. This is an amazing option for everything from tall commercial buildings like your office to multistory homes. And these prevent piling up of trash in bins, eliminate odor and make it easy for everyone to reduce clutter in their space.

Boost Storage

Your space should have a place for everything. If something just randomly sits on your table, you can’t call that its proper place—these things cause clutter. Some of us have a lot of these things that are floating around the apartment or office, so this might be your clue to invest in more storage. Things like plastic storage containers, filing cabinets, drawers and shelves come in.

Store Things Strategically

Everything needs to have a place, but not just any place. It’s crucial to be strategic when choosing a “house” for your items, as everything should be stored close to the place of use. Having to cross an entire house to put something away after use will make it almost impossible to create good habits of minimizing clutter.

Ditch Paper

We all have a bunch of documents at home or at work, and scanning them might seem like the most boring task in the world, but it’s so worth it. Going paperless is a great decision that will allow keeping documents at hand without adding to clutter.

Change Your Point Of View

The media is trying to tell us just how important it is to have the newest phone, the most popular shoes or the latest décor trend in your home. This is of course not true. What truly makes our lives better and richer is not material things, but experiences. So next time you’re about to spend money on gadgets, trinkets or clothing, consider how you can direct those funds into something more valuable like a vacation, a museum visit or a night out with friends and family. The memories you make can easily fit in your brain and you don’t have to worry about adding them to your shelves.

After you realize your problem with clutter, use these tips to reduce it, organize your things and even prevent clutter from entering your space. You’ll feel much lighter and your home will always be ready for guests.

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