Healing From A Psychological Injury Takes Time

Any type of psychological injury can cause many problems for people across all areas of your life. The end of a romantic relationship or a professional dismissal can lead to isolation. Also our objectives (career reorientation, abandonment of planned projects within the couple, etc.) can change. So what can you do about it? It is known that any type of injury psychologists can assist you greatly.

At The Psychic Level

The end of a romantic relationship calls into question the couple’s temporal “planning” and puts an end to an imagined future overnight. You may feel lost or as if you need to put your time immediately into another relationship. The same goes for a professional career. A dismissal or a reorientation puts into perspective the time to invest in a new training or the search for a new job, which can also be terribly destabilizing.

How Do You Get Over An Emotional Injury?

Here are 3 tips for coping with an emotional injury period as well as possible, which in my opinion can apply to both physical and emotional injury:

  1. Make an experience heard – Make the anguish and sadness less burdensome by verbalizing them. Avoid isolation and maintain a strong social bond and enjoy talking about it as much as possible with the people you trust around you.
  2. Acceptance – Accepting your situation by calmly analyzing it and looking for the causes of this injury. What could I do better next time? What behaviors led my partner to leave me / my boss to fire me? What can I learn from this experience?
  3. Prepare for recovery without urgency – It is important not to consider this time as “wasted” time, but to use it to invest your energy positively in other areas of your life. If your relationship or your job left you with less time to see your friends, enjoy seeing them more now. Take advantage of your free time to discover new activities, learn new things and work on new skills!

The main thing is therefore to use a “negative” experience to get as much positive as possible. Learn from mistakes and defeats, accept the “hard knocks” of life and take advantage of them. This will help you to strengthen your social ties and reinvest your knowledge.  If you repress your injury, that is to say wanting to avoid it, to flee from it, you will set up an opposite behavior by trying to be noticed by others, to take up a lot of space. If you sublimate your wound, you turn it into a strength rather than a weakness. It is therefore essential to be aware of them and to either sublimate them or heal them when they push us to inappropriate attitudes or actions, because even if these reactions look like automatisms, your consciousness feels pain. Awareness also allows us to accept that we all make mistakes. The therapeutic approach through therapy and cognitive behaviour techniques, you can certainly heal your wounds and dig deeper into why you’re feeling this way.

*collaborative post

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