Is CBD Safe for Cats?

Many cat owners are asking, is CBD safe for cats?

CBD pet products are finally entering the mainstream. Maybe you’ve heard a friend mention that they’re giving CBD treats to their pet. Or perhaps you’re taking CBD yourself for its therapeutic benefits, and you’re wondering if CBD could be helpful for your cat as well. 

We know you’re protective of your pet, and you do your research before purchasing anything because you want to keep your cat safe and content.

Well, if you’re looking for more information on CBD and cats, you’re in the right place. We’re going to explore what CBD means for pets, its effect on mammals of all sizes when to talk to your veterinarian, and how you can source the highest-quality CBD oil.

You’re looking for an answer: is CBD safe for cats? Let’s start with the background information.

What is CBD for Pets?

To understand CBD pet products, first, we need to start with reviewing CBD in general. 

Many people are confused by the different vocabulary in the cannabis industry, like CBD and THC, or hemp and marijuana. 

CBD is an abbreviation for the compound cannabidiol, which is one of the 100 different cannabinoids found in the cannabis family of plants. 

Each cannabinoid interacts with the body differently. CBD is non-psychoactive, which means that it doesn’t produce any intoxicating effects (opposed to the famous psychoactive compound, THC, also found in cannabis plants). Instead, CBD has become famous for its wide range of therapeutic benefits. 

You can find CBD in cannabis plants, including both hemp and marijuana plants. However, for several different reasons, most CBD products on the market use CBD oil extracted from hemp plants.

Hemp-derived CBD became widely legal after the Farm Bill of 2018 legalized hemp production, which is why you’ve seen massive growth in CBD products offered in retail stores and online over the past few years.

For pet use specifically, CBD oil may be sold as a tincture or incorporated into pet treats. Because CBD is a fat-soluble molecule, it is usually added to a safe carrier oil like MCT oil to aid with absorption and efficacy.

Is CBD Safe for Cats?

Since CBD oil has become a part of many people’s health and wellness routines, research has begun to explore CBD oil use for our pets as well. CBD oil is particularly popular with dog owners, and cat owners are beginning to use it with their feline friends as well.

However, although dogs and cats are both mammals, they can process supplements differently. So when you are considering if CBD is suitable for your cat, make sure you’re researching cats specifically.

Of course, you want to provide your cat with a safe and effective treatment for certain issues, but you also don’t want to cause any adverse side effects.

There is some research underway for CBD use with cats, but more studies still need to be done. 

There is also the possibility that CBD products can interact with prescribed medications for your pet. Like humans, in rare cases, the compound may interfere with the absorption of meds, changing the efficacy of creating a reaction that causes a side effect.

So although most anecdotal experience shows that CBD isn’t unsafe for cats, your best bet is to always check in with your veterinarian. 

What Effect Does CBD Have on Cats?

cbdfx us blog Is CBD Safe for Cats effectsSince cats are mammals, they have an endocannabinoid system that can be affected by cannabinoids. And just like humans, their system influences vital body processes, from stress to sleep.

Over time, the cannabinoids in CBD oil interact with the endocannabinoid system. CBD oil cannabinoids add to the naturally-occurring cannabinoids already being produced, and it can be easier for the entire system to stay in balance. 

If all this information about pet CBD oil sounds similar—you’re not crazy. 

There isn’t much of a difference between CBD oil in your favorite products versus what you would give to your cat. The main difference is pet CBD oil has a much lower concentration since cats are so much smaller in size. 

The other difference? Most pet tinctures are flavored with something that your pet can’t resist, like a natural bacon flavor. 

Choosing The Best Pet CBD Oil

If you are going to give your cat CBD oil, you obviously want to source the best product you can for your cat. 

The pet CBD market is still relatively young, so it can feel challenging to find consistent, high-quality CBD oil. Especially in the pet market, certain manufacturers think you won’t examine labels as closely. Some products either contain almost no actual active CBD, or the product may contain potentially harmful fillers.

You want to make sure the company you choose meets the high standards you want for your CBD products. The product should contain not only 100% organic CBD but also only natural ingredients and flavors.

And since you know you don’t want to give THC to your pet, make sure it’s a broad spectrum oil formulation processed to contain 0% THC. 

For example, our feline-friendly 250mg CBD Pet Tincture is suitable for cats up to 25 pounds and formulated with 100% organic broad spectrum CBD oil. It is all-natural, vegan, and produced at a lower CBD dose for small pets. 

This CBD oil contains a beneficial MCT oil blend, increasing the effective absorption of the CBD and natural bacon flavors to make it even tastier for your pet. 

Finally, when you’re choosing a pet CBD product, keep two additional quality indicators in mind.

First, you should be able to tell exactly what’s in your product. Any reputable CBD company uses third-party lab testing for every batch, so you know what is in the tincture you’re giving to your pet.

Second, make sure to look at the reviews to understand what other cat owners have experienced with the product. The company should have plenty of reviews from other customers about the product’s quality and their experience with their pet. 

After all this background information, you now know more about CBD safety for cats. If you think it’s the right fit for your feline friend, you’re ready to take a look at your options.

Think your cat could benefit from a high-quality CBD oil?

Check out our line of CBD products for pets!

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