Self-Care Ideas for Mother’s Day

Everyone deserves a day to kick their feet up and chill. And guess what, Mom? It’s your turn! You work hard to give your loved ones everything they need, but today, it’s all about you. If you’re trying to think of some creative ways to kick back and relax on Mother’s Day, then look no further. We’ve got a Mother’s Day self-care list guaranteed to melt the stress away!

Schedule Some Kid-Free Time 

You love your kids, but you also deserve some time to yourself. So, schedule a bit of free time to do whatever you want to do, whether that’s hitting up the Starbucks drive-thru alone or going for a little shopping trip without lugging that 50-pound stroller around. 

Everyone needs alone time. It’s the ideal chance to journal, self-reflect, work out, get a manicure, or really, do anything that helps you relax and recharge. Get yourself some kid-free time this Mother’s Day, even if it’s just an hour. 

Who Needs the Spa?!

Every woman needs a spa trip every once in a while, especially after the last year we all endured. The issue is that some spas are still closed or just open with minimal services (meaning the amenities are closed, so that’s no fun). 

But don’t worry, if you can’t go to the spa — or if the spa experience available to you is lackluster — bring the spa to your home! Think of all your favorite things at the spa and use them to create a customized five-star spa experience in your own little castle. Some of our favorite at-home spa essentials include scented candles, jade rollers, bath bombs, face masks, music, cucumber water, and maybe a cocktail, if you really want to unwind. 

cbdfx cbd bath bombCBD Bath Bombs hold a special place in our hearts, because they are the perfect way to loosen your muscles and unwind a restless mind with 200mg of pure CBD isolate. Our Soothing and Recharge Bath Bombs each create a distinctly unforgettable bath-time experience. 

The Soothing Bath Bomb speaks for itself, infused with the tranquil lavender and the skin-softening properties of Hawaiian black salt. Our Recharge Bath Bomb has peppermint, wintergreen, and arnica, providing a mental boost while releasing stagnant tension and discomfort from throughout the body. 

No matter which one you choose, you’ll set the perfect mood for Mother’s Day!

Pamper Your Pores

It gets challenging trying to squeeze skincare needs into a hectic day. When you create your at-home spa, don’t forget to treat your pores to a refreshing treat. The way we see it, you have two options. 

cbdfx photo lifestyle facemask  feb  The first option is one you utilize when you have a little more time on your hands. Look up some DIY face masks you can make with stuff you already have in your kitchen, such as egg whites, honey, and other staples. 

One of the most popular masks to whip up at home is an apple cider clay mask. All you need is some bentonite clay and apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar for the skin is another one of those kitchen pantry miracles. It has antibacterial properties, works to reduce breakouts, and balances your skin’s pH. The bentonite clay has detoxifying properties that pull acne-causing bacteria from deep within your pores, leaving you with a brighter complexion, free of excess oil and toxins. 

The second option is a CBD Face Mask. The best thing about this option is that your pores soak up all the plant-based goodness in 10 minutes — with no need for rinsing. Each face mask contains 50mg of broad spectrum CBD, alongside a complexion-boosting blend of active botanical ingredients. Combining CBD with your skincare needs provides a boost in cleansing power, moisture, and antioxidants. 

Have a Seat and Chill (for a Change)

Nobody understands the word “busy” quite like a mom. A recent study highlighted how being a stay-at-home mom (or dad) is like having 2.5 full-time jobs. You’re up at the crack of dawn, preparing everything for everyone to have a smooth day, and you’re the last one to hit the sheets most times. Oh, and let’s not forget the 22,000 laps you do during the day, running errands, cleaning, kissing boo-boo’s, and so forth. 

Today, why not find a comfy spot on the couch and do absolutely nothing. We know it feels strange at first, but give it a try. Reach your fingers out for the remote and turn on your favorite show. Watch an episode or three — who’s counting? It’s your day. 

Give yourself some chill time. 

Why It’s Important to Break for Self-Care

Mother’s Day is an excellent time to focus on yourself, but it shouldn’t be the only day you make this happen! Being on top of it all is fantastic, but it’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you don’t take time for self-care. This is also known as “mommy burnout.” If you experience mommy burnout, you may notice that you feel irritable, exhausted, hopeless, and find it challenging to be as productive as you usually are. There are other symptoms, but these are the most common. 

cbdfx photo lifestyle gummies womens  jun  There are plenty of ways to avoid mommy burnout, with self-care and CBD being two of our favorites, especially when they’re combined. CBD has a long list of benefits for health and wellness, and many parents are starting to incorporate it into their daily routines — stating it helps them be more present in parenting

Adding CBD Gummies with Multivitamins to your daily routine can help you find a healthy balance while moving through the day with ease. These gummies are formulated with the ladies in mind, packing all your daily vitamins and nutrients into one tasty bite. 

Remember, self-care isn’t selfish — you deserve it!

Parting Thoughts 

Enjoy your day, Mom! You spend most of your time making sure everyone else is happy, but today, make sure you put the same energy into yourself! 

Whether it’s soaking in a warm tub of water, listening to some soothing music, or hitting the Krispy Kreme drive-thru for a secret donut mission, do whatever makes your heart smile today! 

Happy Mother’s Day!

Still thinking about those CBD Bath Bombs? 

Grab a couple today and treat yourself!

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