Sending Gifts When You Can’t Be There To Give It in Person

Whether it’s due to the lockdowns around the world or concerns about the virus, many of us have been forced to send gifts to our loved ones through the postal service as opposed to just giving it to them in person. If you’re accustomed to giving gifts to people, then you might find it a little weird to send a gift in the post. In fact, there are plenty of people that aren’t even sure what the process involves.

So in this post, we’re going to help you send thoughtful gifts to your loved ones when you can’t be there in person.

Look Around For Unique Services To Send A Special Gift

You might think that there are some things that would just be impossible to send in the mail. However, you’d be surprised what you can send across the country with a bit of help. For example, you can easily send frozen items if there’s some type of food that you want a friend or family member to try, and you can even send flowers abroad in perfect condition and keep them fresh and smelling great for when your recipient gets them. There are loads of unique services and gifts that you can send, so don’t be afraid to search around in order to find something different.

Send A Digital Gift

Instead of sending a physical present, why not consider a digital gift? There are loads of great options here such as sending gift cards, video games, music, or even subscriptions to services such as Spotify for music or even Netflix. Digital gifts are usually better when targeted at younger audiences, but that’s not to say that you can’t send a digital gift to an older recipient, especially if it helps them get used to using technology. We’d recommend sending gift cards if you’re not really sure what to get someone, but you could also send digital media and entertainment gifts if you know what somebody likes. A great option these days is to send video game codes that can be entered to download a full game. This is often more convenient than buying a physical copy and they don’t need to wait for it to arrive.

Recurring Gifts Can Be Fun Too

Instead of just a single gift, why not a recurring one? Subscribing a friend or family member to an online gift box can be a great way to offer gifts every week, month, or any other period that you set. A gift box can be extra special because nobody really knows what’s going to be inside it. It’s a surprise for everyone involved and can be a simple way to pick gifts as well if you’re indecisive or you’re not sure what to buy for someone. Just make sure that the gift box is suitable for your recipient. Luckily, this isn’t very difficult because there are gift boxes for everyone. Whether it’s Japanese snacks, clothes, or even digital video games, a subscription gift is never a bad idea and can actually be a lot of fun.

*collaborative post

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