Simple Ways to Get Rid of Thigh Fats- HealthifyMe

Body fat is necessary as it protects your organs, insulates, and stores energy. However, excess body fat like thigh fat is abnormal and results in multiple diseases. It includes heart disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other chronic health conditions. This is also crucial to note that fat distribution in the body does not have a similar pattern. It varies from person to person.

Studies find that women have higher fat accumulation on hips and thighs than men. Genetic factors also matter essentially. Here we shall emphasise thigh fats- ways to lose thigh fat. If you want to lose fat in one particular space like your thighs, you’ll focus on overall weight loss. 

Excess thigh fat is not a good sign. Thigh fats are the same as your abdominal fat, which is hard to eliminate comparatively. It is due to the accumulation of fat layers. Moreover, dietary habits, genetics, gender, and age are the key determining factors. Additionally, the thigh has beta cells which are associated with fat deposits.

Primary Causes of Thigh Fat Accumulation

The primary reason for thigh fat is weight gain. Your body retains the excess calories as fat when you eat more than you burn. Moreover, a sedentary lifestyle inhibits the burning of fat. According to a study, hereditary factors also contribute to excess fat, especially in women., The Lower abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and hips are sites of fat deposits in women. Moreover, estrogen also influences the fat cells in females. However, men are prone to abdominal fat.

Here we have discussed different ways to lose fat. It includes a combination of diet and exercise. Moreover, medical therapies also play a crucial role. So check with your doctor before finding the best that suits you.

How to Get Rid of Thigh Fat?

There are multiple ways to get rid of thigh fat. However, it is not possible to get rid of thigh fat alone. A combination of diet and exercise helps you reduce overall body weight, decreasing your thigh fat. Exercise and a balanced diet are the first-line treatments. Unfortunately, it may not be sufficient in obese or overweight cases. You may require surgical interventions like thigh sculpting and body contouring by liposuction. This procedure involves the surgical removal of body fat that has become resistant to diet and exercise.

Ways to Lose Thigh Fat:

A lifestyle modification is one of the most practical and effective ways to lose fat. It includes a well balanced and nutritious diet along with routine planned exercises. Moreover, it would help if you restrict certain habits. As a result, you lose your overall body weight by calorie burn and lose your thigh fat.

Dietary Changes 

There is no specific diet to get rid of your thigh fat. However, a recommended quantity of food helps to regulate your body weight. It includes fruits and vegetables, whole grains, brown rice and a high protein diet, beans, nuts, seeds, poultry, etc.


Choose complex carbohydrates. They are healthy and nutritious carbs present in whole-grain food. They are absorbed slowly and so do not overload your system. It includes whole-wheat products, husked and unprocessed grain cereals, brown rice and likewise. They contain vital elements, nutrients and antioxidants. They are compounds which neutralise the oxidative stress on cells and induce radical cell injury. Extreme cell injury has the potential to cause multiple disorders in the body. It ranges from the mild flu to chronic illnesses like Diabetes, weight gain obesity, cardiac diseases etc.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables in recommended amounts help in weight loss. That is because they are dense in dietary fibres. It keeps you satiated for a more extended period. It prevents you from overeating or bingeing on unhealthy snacks.

Moreover, the dietary fibres bind with the unhealthy fats in your body and help to eliminate them. It prevents the accumulation of fat. These fatty deposits account for the stubborn fat layers in the abdomen, thighs, hips etc. Apple, berries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, and beetroot are a few of them effective in weight loss. 

Seafood and Poultry

Seafood is low in calories and high in protein. Both factors are crucial for weight loss. Moreover, omega3 fatty acids enhance your metabolism. It is the collective term for all the body activities in your body. Every activity leads to a release of energy that results in calorie burn. Therefore, the metabolic rate has a direct connection with calorie burn. Tuna, sardine, and salmon are a few fish high in omega3 fatty acids. Chicken, turkey and eggs are foods high in protein. 

Nuts, Beans and Seeds

Nuts, beans and Seeds are other food categories high in omega3 fatty acids. Omega3 fatty acids help in preventing and regulating lousy cholesterol or LDL. These fat deposits account for the stubborn fat deposits in the thighs, abdomen and hips. Moreover, the dietary fibres in it also favour weight loss. However, ensure to take a recommended dose of any diet. Otherwise, it results in nutritional imbalances and deficiencies.

Dairy Products

Choose low-fat dairy products. They are excellent sources of calcium and protein. A study finds that protein has the potential to suppress the hormones that trigger appetite and stimulate satiety hormones. Moreover, the yoghurt has gut bacteria that enhance digestion and metabolism effectively.

Drink Plenty of Water

Staying hydrated is necessary for the smooth functioning of your body. Even mild dehydration can slow down your metabolic rate. Moreover, water keeps you full and resists your appetite for unhealthy binging. Additionally, it flushes out the toxins to prevent any retention, which can otherwise result in inflammation, resulting in weight gain.

Losing Thigh Fat: Foods to Avoid

Specific categories of food products need to have refrained from your diet. It not only prevents weight loss but also causes weight gain. Additionally, it increases the risks of chronic illnesses like obesity, diabetes and heart disease. 

Refined Food Products

Refined food products contain refined flour. They are carbohydrates devoid of any nutrients with empty calories. Lack of nutrients and empty calories is harmful and results in weight gain, obesity and other disorders. 

White bread, biscuits, pastries, and refined cooking oil are a few examples of fine food products. Hunger and cravings for even more junk food always follow. These foods also lack vital nutrients and shouldn’t be a regular part of your diet, especially if you’re trying to lose weight. 

Processed Foods

Processed food has high calories and preservatives. High sugar content is a source of high calories, and preservatives enhance appetite. Research suggests that they interfere with the hormones that convey satiety or fullness to your body and prevent overeating. Moreover, they have added sugar in them.


Alcohol contains high calories with no nutritional value. Additionally, alcohol consumption results in unhealthy dietary habits like overeating leading to weight gain and thigh fat. Avoiding overconsumption may help prevent weight gain and reduce unwanted leg fat.

Ways to Lose thigh Fat with Lifestyle Modifications 

Along with dietary modifications, certain lifestyle modifications improve overall health. For example, it imparts an optimal body weight and a loss of thigh fat.

Relaxation Techniques

Stress and anxiety-induced cortisol, the stress hormones, cause an imbalance in hormones that regulates your hunger, namely- ghrelin. Moreover, it has the potential to induce appetite. Thus, it results in overeating and weight gain. Relaxation methods like meditation, breathing techniques, and listening to music are excellent for destressing. Moreover, they revive you.

Sleep Routine

Deprived sleep harms your body weight. Additionally, it makes you weary and weak. Further, it zaps your energy and also initiates overeating. Irregular sleep patterns also imbalance our hormones associated with hunger.

Ways to Lose Thigh Fat with Exercise

Along with a healthy diet, following regular exercises imparts a lean and toned physique. Here are a few best practices you can perform at home to get perfectly toned legs. However, the choice of workout and duration is individualised. It may not be the same for everyone. It varies according to your body weight, age, overall health, and medical conditions. 

Check with your doctor before you begin any rigorous exercise or workout. It helps give you better clarity on the precise activities suitable for you. Moreover, it ensures an effective and safe workout session.


A study finds that regular brisk walking helps weight loss and prevents obesity. Moreover, brisk walking tones your legs and decreases thigh fat. Furthermore, it boosts your immunity and offers the prevention of multiple disorders.

Curtsy Lunge

  • Stand straight with your legs apart along the width of your thighs
  • Move your right leg behind the left leg to form a cross
  • Bend both knees slightly and join your palms together.
  • Repeat the same step with your left leg.

Glute Kickbacks

  • Get down on all four limbs
  • Rest your hands right under the shoulders.
  • Lift one of the heels upwards.
  • Hold this posture for 5 seconds or as advised
  • Get back to the initial posture
  • Repeat the with the other leg


When the diet and lifestyle modifications do not respond to the thigh fat, you have effective medical and surgical therapy options. Plastic or cosmetic surgeons can help you with the best treatments based on your requirements. Here are the most common procedures for the elimination of excess body fat.

Cool Sculpting

Coolsculpting is a non-surgical procedure that eliminates the fat resistance to diet and exercise. The process involves cooling subcutaneous fat to a designated temperature so that they melt and the body absorbs them.

Coolsculpting is a standard procedure for thigh gaps. It is the space between your thighs as you stand with your legs. It is mainly referred to in women for cosmetic reasons. The thigh gap is negligible, mainly in the case of obesity and weight gain. However, it may reduce as you lose body weight. Otherwise, it requires medical therapy implementation.

Thigh Fat: Risk Factors

A study finds that thigh fat is an indication or a risk factor for multiple diseases. It has a significant role in diabetes and heart diseases. Moreover, thigh fat indicates an increased possibility of obesity. Additionally, it restricts you from uninterrupted movements affecting your routine activities. It also inhibits you with your exercises and workouts. Thus, it results in weight gain.

The Conclusion

Thigh fat is the fat that accumulates on your thighs. It occurs due to overweight, obesity, genetic factors and likewise. An increase in body weight causes fat accumulation in specific body areas. However, there are multiple ways to lose thigh fat. Regular high-intensity exercise and a balanced diet are the first-line treatments that healthcare experts prescribe. Unfortunately, in obese or overweight cases, it may not be sufficient. You may require surgical interventions.

surgical interventions include thigh sculpting, body contouring by cool sculpting, and liposuction. It is the surgical process of eliminating body fat resistant to diet and exercise. It helps to create lean and slim thighs and overall improvement in health. However, any treatments should be in consultation with your doctor. It helps to choose the best that suits your requirements. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. What is the cause of thigh fat?

A. There are multiple reasons for thigh fat. However, the primary reason is the increase in body weight or obesity. Nonetheless, gender and age are other factors.

Q. Does thigh fat go away?

A. Yes, you can eliminate it by optimising the body weight. Dietary changes and physical workout is effective in the majority of the cases. Nonetheless, some stubborn fat deposits may not respond to diet and exercise. In such cases, medical therapy helps. Cool sculpting and liposuction are a few of them.

Q. What foods reduce thigh fat?

A. Recommended quantities of fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain food helps. Moreover, nuts, low-fat dairy products and keeping yourself hydrated is practical in reducing your overall body weight. In addition, it helps in reducing thigh fat. 

Q. Why can’t I slim down my thighs?

A. Thigh may not slim down due to a sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, and an unhealthy diet that does not reduce your body weight. Thigh fat is determined mainly by your body weight.

Q. Are big thighs good?

A. Big thighs are not good. It is an indication of being overweight. Moreover, it has risk factors like cardiac diseases, diabetes, obesity, etc. Furthermore, it affects your physical movements.

Q. Does walking reduce inner thigh fat?

A. Yes, routine brisk walking for at least half an hour a day helps reduce your overall body weight, decreasing your thigh fat. However, a healthy diet along with walking is all the more compelling.

Q. What foods make your thighs bigger?

A. Any food that increases your body weight increases your body weight. Any unhealthy diet, including junk food and processed and canned foods, increases thigh fat.

Q. How can I slim my inner thighs?

A. You can slim down your thighs with combination therapy. It includes a well balanced, healthy, nutritious diet. And routine workouts. However, the fat does not respond to these and is eliminated by medical therapy.

Q. Which exercise is best for thighs?

A. Regular workouts help in reducing body weight. In addition, it helps in thigh fat loss. Brisk walking, lunges, and squats are a few exercises which focus on the thighs. However, it is effective in combination with a well balanced, healthy diet.

Q. How do you get a thigh gap?

A. Thigh gap results from loss of thigh weight. A decreased thigh gap occurs due to obesity—a well-balanced diet and routine exercise help reduce fat. Moreover, cool sculpting and liposuction are other options.

Q. Why is it hard to lose leg fat?

A. It is hard to lose leg fat due to multiple factors. Obesity, age, diet, and gender are a few factors that determine the fat deposits on your legs. However, You can reduce it with diet and lifestyle modification. Moreover, medical and surgical therapies are also effective in lowering thigh weight.

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