Survey Reveals Your Twenties Are The Best Years Of Your Life

As we age, we reminisce on our lives, looking back at what truly made us happy, and what, if anything, would we change. Country Cousins, leading providers of live-in care to those living with Dementia, wanted to know more about what makes people happy and what they credit to an enriched life. So, they asked 1,000 UK adults aged between 50-75 what they considered to be the best decade of their life.

Sacrificing Our Lives To The Pandemic

The results of the survey revealed that 27% of men preferred their twenties, and 25% of women preferred their thirties. Furthermore, a separate survey conducted by YouGov found 30% of 2,000 respondents said their 20s was the best age to be.

Often dubbed the ‘roaring twenties’, your twenties are tipped to be the best years of your life. With no major responsibilities, free time and spare money on your hands, you’re able to do whatever you want, whenever you want. You can drop everything to travel, move to another country for a couple of months, experience new things, have fun, spend exuberant amounts of money and even go out out on a weekday night. Rekom UK found that among 18-21 year olds, bars and clubs are the most popular expenditure, 78.6% of 18-30 year olds enjoy going out at least once a week, and 26.2% of 18-21 year olds and 21.6% of 22-25 year olds, enjoy going out a coupe of times a week.

However, the pandemic meant everything had to closed for the foreseeable, including the entertainment sector and airports for non-essential flights, leaving everyone twiddling their thumbs for things to pass the time.

To date, the pandemic has been prevalent for 18 months, and a huge percentage of the UK has seen 2 birthdays pass by in that time – it arose when they were 21 and is ongoing at 23 – making the mourning of their twenties taste that bit more sour.

Double Vaccination Or No Entry

Earlier this year, the UK Government set out a new legislation due to be introduced at the end of September 2021. The legislation means you won’t be able to enter a nightclub without showing proof of double vaccination, to protect the health of everyone. Data from tells us on the 26th September, 82.4% of those aged 16 and over have had their second vaccinations.

However, adults aged 25-29 are the least vaccinated so far, closely followed by 18-24 year olds. The reduced rate can be for a number of reasons including declining the vaccine altogether, waiting on their second vaccine and being within the age group last on the vaccination priority list.

Taking Back Control Of Our Roaring Twenties

It has undoubtedly been a horrific time for everyone all around the world. Whilst we’re not out of it completely, there is a slight glimmer of hope. In July of 2021, nightclubs, bars and pubs reopened and nobody was more excited about it than twenty-something year olds. Queues lined the streets and when the clock struck midnight on the day of reopening, it was likened to a spectacular 1920’s New Years Eve celebration.

As the count of double vaccinations and booster vaccinations is on the rise, we can expect to see an influx of young people making up for lost time and partying until their feet are sore and voices have gone.

*collaborative post

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