Teacher’s Guide To Juggling Mum Duties And Teaching

Do you feel butterflies in your stomach every time you see a lightbulb flash in one of your pupil’s minds? There’s nothing quite like that moment when you realise that they have the same thirst for knowledge and learning you once had. And it’s all thanks to their teacher – you. However, being a teacher whilst having little one(s) at home can be nerve-wracking and exhausting. Have you felt burnout more than once since trying to juggle motherhood with teaching? If the answer is Yes, you need to find better ways to balance your mother duties with your job as a teacher. We can help you out and save you from stressing out about not meeting deadlines with your paper grading in the future.

Stay Organised

Somehow when people tell you that you need to be organised, it’s easier said than done. While you may not be organisationally savvy, you can always start your journey by investing in a planner. Writing down everything you need to do in a day will help you have all the to-dos listed and in front of you. Planning your day is the safest way to have everything done promptly, and never forget about buying your kid’s favourite snack or picking up dry cleaning after work.

Leave Your Personal Life Outside The Classroom

Even though our family is the most important to us, they need to stay out of your head during work hours. Today’s modern modular classrooms allow you to have all the freedom with teaching, so if you have the chance to spend time with your pupils in one of those classrooms, you better make the time worthwhile. Leave your personal life outside the classroom and only focus on what you need to teach your pupils that day.

Know Your Priorities

Once you’ve listed all the to-dos for the following week, you should sort them according to priority. Keeping a master list in a notebook dedicated to school stuff can be a good way to start. Each day, select 3 goals you need to complete by the end of the day. Use a vibrantly coloured post-it and write the goals on it to have it in front of you all day long. The sooner you accomplish the first three goals, the sooner you’ll be able to move on to other tasks. Not only will that make you more productive, but it will offer a sense of accomplishment too.

Communicate Constantly

Communicating your needs is essential if you want to create a healthy relationship with everyone around you. When you feel overworked, speak out. When you feel like your spouse needs to take some load off your bac – confide in them. Don’t let issues that are troubling you bottle up inside you because that can only escalate to a big explosion of emotions and feelings.

Find Time for yourself

Taking care of your children and teaching your students are both big responsibilities that will inevitably make you feel stressed out. That’s why you should always make time for yourself and be alone with your thoughts. Whether you choose to go for a walk on your own, or you isolate yourself from everyone by booking a spa day at the nearest spa centre – as long as you’re finding time for yourself, you’ll feel balanced. Invite friends for dinner, go to the cinema, book a weekend getaway with your spouse while the grandparents look after the kids. You’ll feel refreshed and ready to tackle any tasks once you had the chance to excommunicate and unplug for a while.

Being a mum and a teacher, comes with plenty of gratification, but it can also be very tiresome. That’s why it’s vital for every mum to find a balance between her teaching and her maternal duties. Hopefully, we’ve helped you find those invaluable tricks to happiness and more balanced life.

Author Bio

Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in business and marketing related topics.

In her free time she enjoys exercising and preparing healthy meals for her family.

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