The Top 5 Products for an Active Lifestyle

To stay in shape, you need products to help keep you going, so we’ve rounded up the top five products for an active lifestyle.

Exercise is all about vitamins, fuel, and recovery. In order to grow stronger, your body needs a fuel source to turn raw proteins into muscle. 

So what are some supplements to help make that happen? Let’s take a look at the top five products that contribute to an active lifestyle.

1.  Multivitamins for a Good Start to Your Day

Taking a daily multivitamin isn’t just something for moms to tell their kids—they are an essential fuel source for converting energy in your body. 

Vitamin B12, for example, takes iron and turns it into something your body can use. Without enough of it, you can quickly become weak and even anemic.

There are many different vitamins out there, and each one plays an essential role in your health and wellness. It’s always a good idea to get your day started right with a multivitamin like one of these. 

The benefit of a multivitamin formulated with CBD is that it benefits both nutrition and relaxation.

Vitamins burn up quickly, so it’s essential to replenish your supply every day. Make sure you take some time to go for a walk and get a little sunshine. Vitamin D is vital for brain function, and most people don’t get enough of it.

Having enough vitamins in your diet will yield immediate benefits. Your body will have everything it needs to process the food in your diet efficiently.

2. Proteins Cookies & Tablets

cbdfx blog vegan protein cookiesHearing the word protein can conjure up images of a beefy dude at the gym drinking a shake, but the truth is that protein is for everyone.

Where vitamins are the fuel that converts raw materials into energy, protein is the raw material. Your body loves protein so much that right after you eat it, your body processes it right away. 

However, without vitamins in your system, those proteins could go to waste.

This is why it’s always important to take vitamins near the time you eat protein. Some great protein sources include spirulina (which contains about twice as much protein as both beef and tuna) and protein cookies.

Exercise pushes your muscles to the point where they tear a little bit—it’s why you feel sore after a good workout. This is the best time to eat protein since it can quickly rebuild muscle and help you get stronger.

Just don’t forget to take your vitamins beforehand.

3.  Muscle Creams & Balms for Recovery

cbdfx blog muscle joint creamNow that you’re panting from a good gym session, it’s only a matter of time before that lactic acid buildup in your muscles starts to scream.

Depending on how hard you exercise, the inflammation that follows a workout can be intense. One great way to put out the fire and get cooling relief is with a CBD muscle and joint cream. 

These products not only calm inflammation through a rich blend of menthol and white willow bark but with CBD as well.

While a topical cream like this won’t penetrate the skin barrier and enter the bloodstream, the CBD inside can trigger cannabinoid receptors in the skin and provide relief.

There are some other great topical options as well. Balms like this one provide relief through a heavy serving of CBD and wintergreen oil. By helping to relax your nerves, inflammation slows so that your body can get started on recovery.

Still not enough? 

Why not drop a CBD bath bomb in the tub and have a nice soak? Using a blend of cannabinoids and essential oils, you’ll come out of the bath feeling relaxed and smelling great.

4. CBD Products for a Good Night’s Sleep

cbdfx blog cbd night capsulesNo matter which supplements you take to recover, one thing’s for sure—you have to get a good rest afterward. 

During rest, your body allows its muscles to fully relax while the brain does the work of replenishing the hormones that keep you going each day.

For most people, falling asleep isn’t too much trouble, but others may benefit from a CBD sleep capsule like this one. Using natural ingredients like Valerian Root and GABA combined with CBD, these capsules can help you fall asleep quickly and wake feeling rested and refreshed.

Take a capsule about 30 minutes before bedtime and see how it works for you. 

5. Tincture Oils to Keep Cannabinoids Flowing

cbdfx blog wellness tincturesIf the capsule route doesn’t work, try dropping some tincture oil under your tongue. This method works quickly if you’re trying to hit the sack ASAP.

If that’s not enough, you may even try vaping some CBD. Vaping is a near-instantaneous way to kick start your endocannabinoid system and get to relaxing.

Buying the Highest Quality Products

Buying just any supplement won’t have the benefits you hope for. Because wellness supplements aren’t heavily regulated, it’s easy for vendors to sell just about anything without much scrutiny.

For CBD to work well, it’s best if there are other cannabinoids present. Compounds like CBG and CBN affect your body differently than CBD. When they all work together, the effects are more comprehensive. We’ll talk about how to check for other cannabinoids in a sec.

It’s also crucial that you buy organic products. Non-organic products are often grown with synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, which can weaken the cannabinoids. 

Start with organic. While government regulations may be lax on how supplements are formulated, they still monitor organic growing practices. After you find an organic candidate, the next thing to do is check for what else is inside.

Lab reports are the best way to find out exactly what’s in a supplement. These documents are third-party tests that provide info about the presence of both the good stuff and the bad.

For example, lab reports tell you whether other cannabinoids like CBG in your product include their quantity by percentage. 

You’ll also know if there are other compounds like terpenes that enhance the effects of other ingredients. 

More importantly, lab reports can tell you if dangerous chemicals came from growing or formulating the product. What good is leading an active lifestyle if you dump harmful chemicals into your body at the end of the day?

Good vendors should have lab reports for you to read. If they don’t, shop somewhere else. Buying low-quality products are more challenging for your body to absorb CBD, leading to higher dosages that can lead to tolerance.

In the end, it’s worth spending a few extra bucks for a higher quality supplement than to waste your money on a product that ultimately won’t work as well.

Ready to find the best CBD products for your active lifestyle?

Click here to try one of our cooling muscle creams.

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