Want to Go Vegan? These Products Make it Simple

There are plenty of reasons to go vegan, but sticking with it is a different story. 

When you’re accustomed to eating a certain way, it’s hard to drop those habits for plant-based ones. But we’ve figured out a few ways to make the process less daunting and way more feasible. 

It’s as simple as integrating the right plant-based products into your daily routine. With veganism growing at a steady pace, there are tons of options out there, whether it’s food, supplements, skincare, and so on. 

So if you want to stop thinking about going vegan and actually do it, let’s do it together. 

Follow along to learn about products that make transitioning to veganism a breeze. 

Follow Your Heart Cheese

Okay, let’s have an honest moment here. Cheese is one of the HARDEST things for most people to give up, especially if it already holds a special place in your heart. 

But we’ve got some bad news for fellow cheese enthusiasts—it’s pretty bad for your health. It triggers mucus production in your body, and an excess of mucus can have some unsavory effects on your health. 

Excess mucus plays a crucial role in cancer formations in the body, and it also blocks certain types of cancer treatments, shielding cancer cells from pharmaceuticals. 

It’s deep and scary, but it’s the ugly truth of the matter—cheese is yummy, but not your friend. 

The good news is that the vegan food industry has made leaps and bounds for cheese. More specifically, a company called “Follow Your Heart.” Their cheese tastes almost as good as the real thing—and it melts!

Gardening “Chicken” Tenders

cbdfx chicken tendersHere’s another tough one to give up—chicken. This proves to be a challenge for most people because chicken is such a staple in the average American diet. 

In 2018 every American consumed 93 pounds of chicken, according to the Department of Agriculture. We know what you’re thinking, that’s a lot of chicken, and there’s no way you ate that much chicken, but it’s still something to keep in mind. 

With chicken being “the American way,” it was only a matter of time before a vegan chicken strip slid onto the scene. This brings us to Gardein Chicken Tenders

The problem with most vegan meats comes down to the texture, but these “chicken” strips hit the mark, satisfying your chicken craving without breaking your vegan diet. 

CBDfx Gummies

cbdfx gummies collection header gummies group imageOne of the most important things to maintain as your transition into a vegan lifestyle is a relaxed, calm demeanor. CBD gummies are a fun way to take advantage of CBD’s therapeutic effects while stepping up your wellness routine. 

Our gummies contain premium, all-natural, organic ingredients, with 1500mg of broad-spectrum CBD per bottle. 

Oh, and we almost forgot the most exciting part—CBDfx Gummies won best CBD Product for Veg News Magazine’s Annual Veggie Awards!

We have seven different gummy formulations, so you can find one that fits your lifestyle and needs with no issue at all. In fact, most have a hard time settling on one. 

Veganism is a form of wellness, and our vegan, gluten-free gummies integrate seamlessly to keep you pushing through to your goal of being a full-fledged vegan. 

Just Egg

cbdfx eggsWho hasn’t loved an all-American breakfast on a Sunday morning—scrambled eggs, pancakes, and bacon? 

Eggs are one of the most popular breakfast foods in the country, but it’s not just eggs themselves that are popular; eggs make their way into various dishes, especially breakfast foods. 

They’re not as hard to give up, but if you find yourself struggling to ditch your sunny-side-up mornings, give “Just Eggs” a try. 

Don’t get thrown off by the fact this egg liquid is made from mung beans. We know “mung” doesn’t sound very appetizing, but these “eggs” taste like the real thing and work perfectly in all of your favorite breakfast foods, even pancakes. 

Impossible Burgers

It’s impossible not to want a burger sometimes, and this plant-based burger alternative gives you the taste you’re looking for without the guilt. 

Many people are adopting vegan diets, that some of your favorite fast-food restaurants have added impossible burgers to the menu. We probably don’t have to tell you all the implications that come with eating red meat. 

If you’ve researched the topic, you know that consuming too much red meat may raise the risk of type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers, especially colorectal cancer.

Burgers will be around to the end of time, it seems, so it’s helpful to have healthier options. But still, we need to touch on the different types of vegan diets. 

What Type of “Vegan” Will You Be? 

There are many levels to veganism—some being more strict than others. The four main types of vegans are ethical vegans, environmental vegans, health vegans, and religious vegans.

Ethical vegans are those who go vegan to fight against animal cruelty—if it involves hurting or interfering with an animal’s natural environment or well-being, they’re not with it. 

Environmental vegans do it for mother earth. They adopt a vegan lifestyle to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and pollution while limiting their contribution to deforestation. 

Health vegans are the individuals who adopt a vegan lifestyle for the added health benefits since it’s shown to reduce certain cancers and diseases. 

And last but not least, the religious vegans. They base their veganism on spiritual beliefs. It’s very common for those involved in Buddhism or Hinduism not to partake in eating the flesh of any kind. 

Looking Ahead 

Once you’ve gotten a little more experienced and disciplined, you reference this shortlist and see where you land. 

The main thing to keep in mind is that a true vegan diet lies in vegetables, fruits, and healthy grains. Just keep trying new things and experimenting with fresh vegan foods and techniques until you figure out what works for you. 

It may be hard at first, but it’s a change worth making!

Ready to add our Award-Winning CBD Gummies to your daily routine? 

Grab a bottle today and lean into veganism with all the chill vibes you’ll ever need!

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