Waste Not, Want Not – Use Your Leftover Coffee Grounds To Beautify Your Body And Garden

Do you normally throw away your leftover coffee grounds after you’ve made a delicious cup of coffee? If so, you should consider reusing them.

You may not be aware, but coffee grounds can actually be used to benefit your skin in several ways. They can also help your garden to flourish.


If you’re a coffee-lover, there are various different types of coffee that you can explore. Simply look through a list of coffee box subscriptions to find the right option for you. You can then sample some of the best and most unique coffee from around the world on a regular basis.

But you shouldn’t waste the leftover coffee grounds after you’ve drunk the delicious beverage. Instead, you can beneficially use the leftover grounds on your body and in your garden.

Let’s begin by looking at how you can use coffee grounds to beautify your body.

One of the best uses is for exfoliation. Coffee grounds are great for scrubbing away dead skin cells. And because caffeic acid is an antioxidant, coffee grounds could boost your collagen levels and reduce your cells aging prematurely.

Furthermore, the caffeic acid in coffee has antimicrobial properties, which can potentially protect your skin against germs.

To make an exfoliating scrub with coffee grounds, mix a quarter cup of fresh coffee grounds with a quarter cup of brown sugar and a little lemon juice. Then simply scrub the mixture into your skin every few days. Leave it on your skin for a few minutes before rinsing.

Treating Acne

Because coffee grounds contain antioxidants and chlorogenic acids, they can be an effective solution for fighting acne.

By scrubbing your face with coffee grounds, you can unclog pores and clear away dead skin cells. And the chlorogenic acids could reduce inflammation and protect your skin against some forms of bacteria.

Protecting Your Skin Against The Sun

The antioxidants in coffee can also help to protect your skin against the dangerous ultraviolet rays of the sun that can cause aging of the skin and other skin problems.

Although more research is needed, a 2015 study published by the National Library of Medicine found that the participants who applied coffee grounds to their skin had fewer age spots on their faces caused by UV rays. The participants were all women between the ages of thirty and sixty.

Reducing Puffy Eyes

Coffee grounds could help you if you have puffy eyes. That’s because caffeine stimulates blood flow and dilates blood vessels. Applying coffee grounds around your eyes could help your skin to tighten naturally and reduce the buildup of fluid under your eyes.

Try it yourself. Dab coffee grounds that contain a little liquid from the coffee you made around your eyes. The skin around your eyes could soon become less inflamed.

Fertilizing Your Garden

OK, now let’s take a look at how you can put your leftover coffee grounds to good use in your garden.

First off, coffee grounds can make an excellent fertilizer. That’s because they contain several minerals that help plants grow, namely nitrogen, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and chromium.

The coffee grounds could even absorb heavy metals that contaminate the soil. Furthermore, coffee grounds will help to attract worms, which are great for any garden.

Fertilizing your garden with coffee grounds is easy. Simply sprinkle your leftover grounds on the soil surrounding your plants.

Using Coffee Grounds In Your Compost

You can also put coffee grounds in your compost. They make excellent ingredients for compost due to the fact that coffee grounds contain nitrogen and other minerals that can help your garden grow.

Use coffee grounds in combination with brown compost material like dry leaves. Coffee grounds are called green compost material.

Other types of green compost materials include grass clippings and food scraps. You should use compost that has a four-to-one ratio of brown compost material to green compost material.

Feeding Worms

As mentioned above, coffee grounds can attract worms. So, if you use a worm bin in your garden, add coffee grounds to your bin every week.

Worms simply love coffee grounds! But don’t overdo it. One cup per week is the ideal amount. If you use more than that, the acidity of the coffee grounds could bother the worms.

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