What Are CBD Capsules? The Benefits and Downsides

Do you want a little more information on CBD capsules, specifically, the benefits and possible downsides?

If so, get comfortable and stay a little while longer so we can give you all the information you need on CBD capsules

We get it. 

There are so many different products on the market; moreover, it’s time-consuming to research them all on your own time. But this is where we come in—gathering all the facts and laying them out for you. 

So, let’s get to it. 

What are CBD Capsules? 

Let’s start with some basic information about capsules. 

CBD capsules are small gel pills that contain a beneficial blend of CBD oil and MCT oil. The oil is either full spectrum, broad spectrum, or CBD isolate—all of which are non-psychoactive. 

They also contain a much-needed fat component, like MCT oil. This enhances the absorption rate of cannabinoids into the bloodstream. 

CBD is a fat-soluble compound, so with your body being mostly composed of water, this gives the CBD the proper pathway to produce the type of effects you’re looking for

CBD capsules come in a wide variety of concentrations, but there are upsides and downsides. Let’s look at the benefits first. 

The Benefits of CBD Capsules

There’s much to love about CBD capsules. 

For starters, one of the most popular benefits is easy-to-manage servings. When you’re starting with CBD, it can be challenging to fiddle with serving amounts, trying to get measurements just right. 

CBD capsules are pre-measured, most often in higher concentrations—starting around 25mg per serving. Additionally, most are gel capsules, so they’re straightforward to take. 

Some people don’t love the taste of CBD oil (or other types of products). With this option, you bypass any unwanted flavor profile—a big plus for some people. 

Furthermore, various companies are enhancing their capsule line-ups with focus-enhancing capsules and sleep-enhancing capsules. 

For example, our CBD + CBG Morning Capsules contain an array of energizing, focus-enhancing ingredients like time-released caffeine, a specialized blend of focus-enhancing terpenes, and L-tyrosine

On the other hand, if it’s sleep you strive for, our CBD + CBN Night Capsules for Sleep are the way to go. These convenient capsules contain the relaxing qualities of CBD, the ultimate calming properties of CBN, along with the effects of other sleep-producing botanicals. 

All in all, CBD capsules make it easy to integrate CBD into your daily routine, but there are some things to keep in mind moving forward. 

The Downsides of CBD Capsules 

If you’re thinking about adding CBD capsules to your wellness roster, you may want to first check out the possible downsides. 

For example, if you’re new to CBD, 25mg may be too strong of a concentration to start with. The thing about CBD is you have to fine-tune your personal process, which means you have to start slow and work your way up when it comes to serving amounts. 

Since we’re all incredibly unique, what works for one person may not work for another since they have different genetics, weights, metabolisms, and biochemistries. Some people think of CBD capsules as something you work your way up to. 

However, you do want to take into consideration the issue you’re trying to accommodate. If it’s more extreme, this may be more helpful. 

Additionally, the absorption rate is lower with CBD edible products since it has to pass through the digestive system before absorption occurs. Oh, and let’s not forget you lose some of the potency during the process as well. 

Another downside of CBD capsules is swallowing them since 40% of the population reports issues swallowing pills. These are some of the downsides associated with CBD capsules; however, everything varies based on the individual. 

Shopping for the Best CBD Capsules 

a person holding cbd capsulesThere are a few things you should look for when shopping for CBD capsules. 

One of the first things you should always be on the lookout for is organically-sourced hemp. Since hemp is a bioaccumulator, it soaks up everything in the surrounding soil during the farming process. 

You can find this information in the “about us” section of a company’s website or the product description. Also, keep in mind the better your product’s quality, the better results you’ll achieve. 

Next, you want to make sure the prospective product goes through independent third-party lab testing. This confirms the purity and potency of the product, which ends up being a great tool.  When you can match the advertised concentration with the lab reported concentration, you confirm you’re getting exactly what you want. 

Going back to the idea of organic farming and why it’s crucial, third-party lab tests reveal all of the toxins, chemicals, pesticides, and heavy metals that can seep into hemp plants without organic farming methods. 

It’s also good practice to look at customer reviews. This is a great way to see how people feel about the product, specifically, if they work well for them and if they’d purchase them again. You always want to pay attention to all of the topics mentioned, but there’s still one more thing. 

Ensure you purchase CBD from a reputable company that’s made a name for themselves regarding quality and potency. There are countless companies online to choose from, but you can’t get the same level of quality everywhere. 

For example, to purchase from Amazon (let’s be real, most of us make a weekly purchase from Amazon), but Amazon has a strict policy against CBD. Most of the capsules on Amazon are hemp seed oil, which is NOT the same. 

Hemp seed oil is most commonly used for hair and skin nourishment and does not produce any therapeutic benefit. 

These are just a few things to keep in mind when you shop for CBD capsules.

Parting Thoughts on CBD Capsules

There are benefits and downsides to everything in life. However, figuring out how they relate to you and your lifestyle matters most when it comes to CBD capsules. 

But when it’s all said and done, most people love the ease and convenience that comes with CBD capsules. 

Ready to add CBD Capsules to your routine?
Explore our CBD Capsules Collection and find the best fit for your needs!

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