Which CBD Face Mask Is Right for You?

Who doesn’t love a good self-care routine? After all, with self-care, it’s never about the one activity you’re doing. The best self-care activities always have layered benefits. 

Take face masks, for example. Of course, face masks are advertised as being loaded with vitamins and minerals that leave your skin looking and feeling healthy. But in addition to skincare benefits, face masks also provide an excuse to slow down and treat yourself. Apply a mask, sit back, and actually relax for a few minutes — that can be almost as beneficial as the cosmetic ingredients.

Plus, if it’s a CBD face mask, there’s a whole other layer of relaxation.

CBD topicals are an exciting new niche of the CBD industry. With options like creams, balm sticks, face masks, bath bombs, and even foot masks, there is a product to fit any of your beauty needs. Face masks are a particular favorite, because they are convenient and effective. 

So, whether you are absolutely devoted to your skincare routine, or you’re just trying to get started with an extra skin glow, face masks are easy to incorporate into your schedule.

But once you’re sold on CBD face masks, there’s the next question: which one?

There are as many CBD face masks as there are types of skincare needs. What’s the difference between these products, and which CBD mask is right for you? Let’s dive in. 

Why CBD Face Masks?

First, let’s talk about why CBD face masks are popular to begin with.

Think about the logistics: You get a goopy face balm, or a mud face mask, and you’ve got to slather it all over your face. Your hands are dirty, and you’re constantly fidgeting to keep the mask from sliding off.

By contrast, sheet masks are easy to apply, keep on your face, and clean up. These simple disposable masks also help you put CBD oil onto your face without making a mess. A good face mask ensures all the active agreements have the time to absorb, moisturizing your skin instead of drying it out.

To add to the benefit, each of CBDfx’s new face masks contain 50mg of organic, non-GMO, broad spectrum CBD, along with the powerful botanical ingredients for stressed skin. These popular CBD face masks not only include topical ingredients that you’re looking for in your skincare routine, but also a high-quality serving of CBD.

Now, you have an idea why CBD face masks are a part of so many people’s skincare routines. But how do you pick between all the great options? 

If you can’t decide, we’ve got a few simple (or maybe silly) questions to see if each face mask is right for you.

cbdfx face masksThe aloe vera face mask test is simple: Are you going to spend the summer outside? 

Maybe you’re always doing outdoor sports. Maybe you love the beach. Or perhaps you’re just planning on taking advantage of the nice weather to catch an afternoon nap outside. 

If so, you may want to stock up on some of these face masks. While sunshine can definitely lift your mood, it can also cause a sunburn or sun-stressed skin. 

Aloe vera is known for its calming scent and soothing effect on your skin. Not only is the aloe vera a common remedy for sunburns, but the CBD can also help encourage the relaxation you need after a day in the sun. 

Plus, aloe vera isn’t just for sun issues — it has also been shown to improve collagen and hyaluronic acid levels in your skin. So, if you want to add spring and glow to your skin, the aloe vera face mask is the perfect remedy. 

cbdfx face masks

Think about your kitchen. Are you the type to have your spice jars alphabetized? Or your tupperware containers neatly stacked by size?

All right, stay with us here: if you’re the kind of person that keeps your kitchen meticulously organized, you’re the type that likes to get deep down into the details. 

Charcoal has long been used to clear skin. Our charcoal face mask penetrates into your pores, giving a deep cleanse to reach impurities and blemishes. Charcoal may be natural, but charcoal face masks tend to be a more intense facial treatment. Activated charcoal can help fight acne, clear your pores, and help your skin look more clear than ever.

The charcoal face mask is the perfect treatment to prepare for a big day, since it addresses deeper skin issues. 

cbdfx face masks

Do you always stop and smell the roses? (All right, too cheesy.) How about this: Do you always have to stop and smell the candles at the checkout line, no matter what?

If so, you’re someone who prioritizes beautiful scents and aromatherapy. And rose is a well-loved scent for a reason — the aroma is tied to thoughts of spring, and many people find it refreshing and relaxing. If you like to surround yourself with good scents, our rose face mask is a great option.

Rose extract has also been shown to help repair your skin’s natural barrier. With a healthy skin barrier, your skin can retain better levels of moisture and you can avoid dryness issues.

Finally, rosewater can prevent your skin from producing too much oil, which may be connected to acne and other blemishes. If you experience excess oils and resulting outbreaks, rosewater can help keep your skin smooth and beautiful.

cbdfx face masks

We might all be able to relate to this one: Are you spending too much time on Zoom calls?

Staring at a computer screen all day can start to weigh on you. And when you’re tired, one of the first places you can see it is in bags under your eyes.

There’s a reason you always see cucumber slices on people’s eyes during a spa day. Cucumbers have actually been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can reduce skin irritability.

So, if your skin is looking puffy, either from a night of tossing and turning or a day spent staring at your screen, our cucumber face mask may be just the thing. Cucumber can help reduce puffiness by re-hydrating your skin and keeping redness under control. 

cbdfx face masks

Finally, do you love your nighttime routine? Are you the kind of person who sets up candles, curls up with a good book, or takes a warm bubble bath?

If you’re serious about winding down for the night, you may already know about the beneficial aromatherapy effects of lavender. 

Research has found that lavender can help encourage falling asleep. Some people actually use lavender under their pillow or in an essential oil diffuser to help them drift off. Lavender is a soothing, soft scent that can encourage peaceful calm. 

You may be committed to your nighttime routine because you have trouble falling asleep. If so, a lavender face mask may be the perfect addition to your existing routine. Just apply it to your face while you watch your favorite show or finish your bath. 

We know the questions were a bit silly, but at the end of the day, you can’t really go wrong with a CBD face mask. All provide the vitamins and nutrients your skin is craving, plus a skin-pleasing serving of CBD.

If you can’t decide, try them all — you can’t go wrong!

Want to find out which one’s right for you?

Choose from our five different CBD face masks!

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